model 12 barrel


New member
hi guys,,,,i need some wisdom of the crowd here

the question is,,,,drum roll please

will a model 12 barrel fit on a 1897 receiver ???

i am pretty sure that a barrel with a receiver extension wont fit,,,,but is the barrel itself the same,,,,naked barre from a model 12 fit in a 97 extension??

i have a 97 project gun,,,it has a 30" barrel and i want the gun to have a riot length barrel,,,i just dont want to cut it off,,,i could and i have thought about it,,,but,,i found some brand new Winchester riot barrels for a model 12 for a decent price so i thought i would see what you all think,,,will they interchange ????

i know there will be a lot of fitting to do in more than one place,,,thats ok,,,if i can get the parts to work


My gut call would be the barrel probably won't fit, as made.

The only way to KNOW would be to compare the shanks of both the 97 and 12 barrel side by side and measuring. Or find someone who has done that, and can tell you. I can't tell you for sure, sorry.

I can tell you that the trench gun heatshield for the 97 does NOT fit on the model 12, as made. It could be made to fit (anything can be made to fit, with enough work) but it wouldn't fit without work being done.

If the model 12 barrel doesn't fit (and I'm guessing it won't) you MIGHT be able to have the barrel "set back" and threaded to fit, again, just a guess, you'd have to have actual measurements to know if it was feasible.

And, if you're starting with a riot barrel to begin with, would you run into legal length issues if you could have the barrel set back to fit the 97 barrel extension?

I wouldn't cut down that 30" 97 barrel, that would be a waste. Somebody in the country will want it, even if you don't. Somebody in the country might have an already cut off 97 barrel they'd be willing to sell, or trade for...

You could buy one of the new M12 barrels and measure everything in direct comparison with the 97 barrel you have, and if it turns out the M12 barrel just won't work, sell it and get your money back.

I wanted a model 12 riot gun for years, but was unwilling to cut the 30" model that I had. One day, I found one at a gun show, someone else had cut off the long barrel. After checking to see it was all legal length (barrel and overall length), I bought it. Which is how I learned that the 97 heatshield won't fit on the M12. Its too big in a couple of critical places, if I remember correctly.

sorry I can't help with a solid answer.

Good Luck!
thanks guys,,,i always thought thought most of the parts were interchangeable but i didnt know that for sure

mountainman83,,,i read those posts on the link you sent,,,interesting,,,it is but i still have questions,,,i am taking from this forum post that the only part different is the extension?? and it could be made to work,,,from what i read the difference is the slot through the extension is smaller on a model 12 but it could be remachined and made work,,,,hmmmm,,,,i need more research into this for sure

thx again
