modded 10/22


i have a ruger 10/22 that i want to put a bullpup stock on, ive read that the length will be 26.5 inches long so it will be considered a pistol how do i go about getting it registered? (i live in michigan)
You'd do better to ask this in the NFA section of the forum. No worries, though, I already flagged it for the mods to move.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help, and don't worry about it. The folks on here can be sticklers for some things, but we're generally a very helpful bunch. Just to let you know, NFA refers to "National Firearms Act of" some date I can't remember because it's of no use to me since I live in Illinois. It includes SBRs (Short Barrel Rifles), SBS (Short Barrel Shotguns), "Machine Guns" (that's a laughable word in my mind), Silencers (should really be called mufflers) and AOWs (All Other Weapons, these are guns that don't fit into the awkwardly defined properties of "pistol, machine gun, shotgun, rifle, SBS, SBR, etc" such as zip-guns). You gun may fall into the SBR or AOW category, I'm not sure. Like I said: being that I live in the great land that lynched Joseph Smith and the College Home State of Ronald Reagan, I've never paid attention.
at 26.5 in is should be consider a rifle since it has a stock and is still longer than the definition of a SBR. also it isn't a pistol if it has a but stock
this is what i found on michgan website i know the sock isnt foldable but i was just going off of the measurements

Do rifles or shotguns with collapsible/folding stocks have to be registered in Michigan?

MCL 750.222 Yes, provided the rifle or shotgun is 30 inches or less in overall length with the stock collapsed/folded but at least 26 inches and the barrel length is at least 16 inches and 18 inches respectively. Attorney General's opinion #6280: if the firearm is less than 26 inches in overall length or the barrel is less than 16 or 18 inches respectively, the firearm is considered a short-barreled rifle or shotgun and is illegal to possess. MCL 750.224d
Okay I believe that only goes into effect of the buttstock is adjustable as is with the case of the yugo under folder AK's,AR-15's with a adjustable stock and mini-14's with a side-folder but not a bullpup since it has no stock length adjustment. If I where you I would call up the local PD and ask them if what your looking at is illegal
You can't make a pistol from a rifle if the barrel is shortened to less than 16 inches. Then it would be an AOW or a SBR. A barrel more than 16" and an overall length over 26" makes a bullpup made from a 10/22 not an NFA item.
In Michigan the rifle's OAL is measured with the stock folded/retracted. It has nothing to do with specific models. If your rifle doesn't measure up to the state required length, weld (permanently attach) a muzzle break/flash suppressor that is long enough to make the measurement.
A shoulder-fired firearm will never be a pistol according to any Federal or State law. According to Federal law at least, the minimum barrel length for a Title I rifle is 16 inches and the minimum overall length for the same is 26 inches. This firearm meets both those criteria, and so is a Title I firearm, and as such is not controlled under the National Firearms Act.

I am not familiar with Michigan State Firearms law beyond knowing that a shoulder-fired arm is not considered a pistol anywhere.

According to a previous, law-quoting post of yours, this firearm would have to be registered with the State of Michigan because it is less than 30 inches in overall length, but it would not be a SBR or a pistol.