MN suppressor bill.


New member
HF 1434 is scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, 3/12/14 at 10am

Look hear for details on speaking at hearings; FAQ

Or you can also watch it here; Link

If you want silencers in MN, show up. If not, keep doing the same thing you've been doing the last decade. :)
Was just talking about this this morning.
Hope it passes.
Although it would impact the shooters in my area.
We are kinda like a bunch of back yard dogs.
Once one starts barking the rest get going.

I will start shooting, Then a 1/2 hour latter the guy 1/2 mile down will start plinking.
By the middle of the afternoon its made the circle.
Kind of funny actually.

What will happen to Ammo sales if they dont hear me get the ball rolling? :D
Dayton will sign if the police support the signing.

If the police go against it ...... he will NOT sign.

Any word on what the police associations will say?
Like I said......I'm quite sure Dayton will sign it if the police organizations are in favor of it.

He's been paying a lot of attention to their input and guidance lately.

Anybody know what they're saying about it?
Dayton will never sign this if it clears the house and senate
This is the kind of negative propaganda that helps no one on either side of the debate. Silencers mean nothing when it comes to overall public safety. Even Dayton should know this.

From what I've heard some police support, others do not. Have not seen a thing in writing though.
Lark said:
This is the kind of negative propaganda that helps no one on either side of the debate. Silencers mean nothing when it comes to overall public safety. Even Dayton should know this.

From what I've heard some police support, others do not. Have not seen a thing in writing though.
Its not propaganda. I would support doing away with the NFA and allowing folks to buy whatever they want if they can clear the NICS check.

Believe it or not, there are actually people here in MN that believe if suppressors are legalized, that we will start seeing an explosion of assassinations in the streets. People have actually posted this stuff on the local GOCRA FaceBook page. Like you said, suppressors mean nothing to overall public safety. This alone is why Dayton will veto the bill. For that matter, the guy vetoed Castle Doctrine in 2012... legislation that would have been a huge improvement for folks needing to protect themselves IN THEIR HOMES.

What Dayton **should** know means nothing. He has the reputation of being a nut. Matter of fact, Dayton was the only member of Congress (US Senator) that closed his DC office and flew back to MN out of fear of a bogus terror threat. Rational thinking and doing for the public good are not what I would use to describe Dayton. He is probably of the same mindset as the folks that believe.... people will be able to commit murder from the shadows and in complete silence. :eek:

We didn't get a "shall issue" permit to carry law passed until 2003. The left-wing anti-gun folks cried about shootouts in the streets and got a judge to suspend the legislation and we didn't get the law re-passed until 2005. Getting better gun laws and such passed in MN is a constant uphill fight. With Dayton in the Governors office, there is little chance with suppressors. If I am wrong, I'll send him a thank you letter via snail-mail but he is no friend to gun owners.
Dayton would sign it if the police organizations supported it.

Unfortunately, it appears that the police have turned thumbs down on this one.

I'd call it dead on arrival.

There are other bills that are more meaningful that may have better chances.

By the way, Dayton has been an excellent governor, bringing MN back from the brink of economic disaster to economic health.

He spoke AGAINST more restrictive gun control laws proposed in the past and said he would not support them unless rural legislators supported them (and, of course, the rural legislators DID NOT support them and that ended that).

Best governor we've had in many years.
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