MN Now Honors CA and NC. . . . MN has Dropped DE. . . . CT, FL, HI, MD

Gary Slider

New member
Connecticut – Governor has signed File No. 841 which is the substitute for HB 6667. Effective date is October 1, 2023. Open Carry will be banned. There is a safe storage law and other changes. You can read the bill at

Florida and Other Permitless Carry States – Come July 1 Florida will be a Permitless Carry State but they will also then honor all other states permits at that time. Want to add here that West Virginia, Maine and New Hampshire though Permitless Carry States they didn’t change their laws on honoring other states permits. It really matters in Maine as it can be a trap. You need a permit Maine issues or honors to carry in their state parks and National Parks and they still don’t honor all other states permits. You can see Maine’s listing at

Hawaii - The Governor has signed HB 1230 which the best word I can describe it with is Garbage. The list of so called Sensitive Places is longer than your arm. Now training is required to obtain a permit and the state has until the end of the year to certify instructors so no permits until next year. It becomes effective July 1, 2023. You can read the bill at

Maryland – The Governor has signed SB0001 and it is terrible. Effective October 1, 2923. Looks like there will be a lot of court cases over not only MD but HI and CT as well. You can read the bill at

Minnesota - Minnesota has added California and North Carolina to the list of states permits it will honor. It will no longer honor the Delaware permit. You can see their new listing at
Looks like Connecticut will also prohibit carry in any establishment that has a license to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises (i.e. most restaurants). No exceptions such as earning more than 50% of their income from sales of liquor, or only applying to the bar area in mixed bar/restaurant establishments.

Thanks for the updates, Gary.

Are you certain about Maine honoring some other states' permits for carry in state (and National) parks? I thought the Maine law was specific that carry in state parks (and, by extension) Acadia National Park) requires a Maine carry permit. (Which is why I have a Maine carry permit -- in case I ever get back to Acadia National Park.)

Aha -- the plot thickens. I think I'm reading it correctly, except that there is a separate section covering Acadia National Park. I thought Acadia fell under the umbrella of the state parks as a result of the change to federal law a few years ago. The way it shakes out, the statute covering Maine state parks includes language about honoring permits from state that honor Maine. The statute that addresses Acadia National Park does NOT include that language so, the way I read it, you need a Maine carry permit for Acadia National Park.
Acadia National Park (Maine Permit required; 12 M.R.S. §756) NOTE: Pursuant to 25 M.R.S. 2001-A (2)(F), Maine will recognize a concealed handgun permit issued by another state to its resident if that state recognizes Maine’s resident concealed handgun permits. A resident permit from that state is valid for concealed carry of a handgun within Acadia National Park.

From Maine State Police Firearms Page at
Directly from the statute:

2. Possession of firearms. A person may not use or possess a firearm in Acadia National Park except:
G. When the firearm is a concealed firearm carried by a person to whom a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm has been issued as provided in Title 25, chapter 252. The person must have in that person's possession the permit as required in Title 25, section 2003. [PL 2009, c. 607, §1 (NEW).]

Section 2003, Chapter 252, Title 25, applies to the issuance of Maine carry permits. Obviously, Maine cannot regulate how any other state issues their permits. Since the statute addressing carry in Acadia specifically refers to permits issued "as provided in Title 25, section 2003," it seems clear that this means that only Maine permits are valid for carry in Acadia.

The fact that the separate statute addressing carry in state parks specifically mentions permits issued by other states, and the statute addressing Acadia does not, to me supports the argument that only Maine permits are valid in Acadia. This would not be the first time a state police web site has posted information that is legally incorrect.

Maybe the police in Maine operate under the premise posted on the State Police web site, but I don't don't know if the National Park Service rangers feel constrained by that. At best, I would say that this is a gray area, and I don't feel like being the test case.
G. When the firearm is a concealed firearm carried by a person to whom a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm has been issued as provided in Title 25, chapter 252. The person must have in that person's possession the permit as required in Title 25, section 2003. [PL 2009, c. 607, §1 (NEW).]

This is correct. Title 25 Chapter 252 also list how reciprocity works for Maine and stops right there with a period. The second sentence states "That the person must have in the person's POSSESSION" the permit as required in Title 25 Section 2003.

Section 2003 states if you are carrying in Maine you have to have your valid permit on your person.

Also the Maine State Police didn't have their little blurb about permits they honored being OK for carry in Acadia. That was added after some discussion about this very thing.