MN DNR is about to screw up again

Moose population is down to 1/2 of what it was in 2008 in Northern Minnesota.
And too Grey wolves have ate up all the deer and too many of those moose I suspect.
Howling for Wolves was instrumental in having Grey wolves again placed of the Endangered Species Listing with some arm twisting in DC.

Folks are mad where the wolves roam. (due to their their breeding like tree rats.) Hunters are mad having little to no deer to harvest. I'm mad. Heck I'm all for closing the Deer season for a year or two to give what deer left a break and chance to re-populate. On the other hand yaw got'a believe those annoying Howling for Wolves twits are happy having for a second time frustrating the majority of this States sportsman with so little interference from the States DNR.

Yup!! Back too the 3-SSSs for those who live with that over the top threat of Grey Wolves close by. ie Shoot, Shove, & Shut up!! Folks are so fed up with Grey wolves lately in Northern MN their now just throwing their bushwhacked & snared carcass's in the open road ditches for all to see. 3 in a single pile as of late. All killed in a day or two of each other. That's how many there are > Lots of em.

Now in yesterdays newspaper the DNR is intending decrease the overall deer population even more in my area where wolf predication has truly taken its toll.
Yup!! All in the hopes to increase the moose population back to where it was in 2008. Besides, I only see a moose once every 20 years meandering thru my property. So why bother with trying to increase there numbers? Their either die'ing off or more likely being chased to heat exhaustion or eaten. Yep!!_ looks like the DNR has again pinned the blame of moose demise on the what few deer there is left.
Looks like no deer license buying this year. I don't like the FUBR behavior of this States DNR as of late and their associates Howling for Wolves tinkering with my yearly one week of deer hunting. So being one who can afford too fill his freezer with Beef, Pork & Chicken. I'll manage to squeak by.
I am no fan of wolves in populated human areas. However, you voice your opinion that the Minnesota with its staff of biologists do not know what they are doing. Are you a wildlife biologist/have naturalist/wildlife management credentials or do you have some pertinent data that would indicate what they say/do is incorrect when it comes to the Moose population in Minnesota?
Unfortunately, most often the "do gooders" who petition for re-introduction of predators aren't the ones suffering in the end.
Wolves in Jellystone
Wolves in Minniesota
In addition, what better way to get a dig in against hunters than by allowing wolves to decimate the herbivore populations w/o having yourself get blamed?
Could be worse.

So the Mn DNR wants to depopulate the deer to save the moose. I understand your frustration.

The Mo MDC has been depopulating the deer in my area for several years by allowing overkill of the does. It is a "urban area" and they cause too many car accidents. Now, because they found 1 cwd carrier from the 2014 harvest they are issuing special permits to willing landowners to kill an extra few hundred deer right NOW for "testing purposes".

Mn, I feel your pain. They DNR and MDC wildlife specialists may be extremely more "book smart" than the rest of us BUT have given up all of their common sense.
I admittedly know almost nothing about this situation. That said, if reducing the population of deer in order to increase the population of moose is needed why not do it? It might be bad for people that like deer meat or worse people that rely on it for food, but the rest of the country has a great population of deer. My home state of Tennessee for instance is full of deer, but we have no moose whatsoever. In fact, Hawaii is probably the only state without deer. From a national conservation perspective I would imagine that Minnesota's deer population just isn't as important as the moose. It sucks for the people that want to hunt deer, but the government probably just sees keeping the moose population more important.
Originally posted by Mobuck:

Unfortunately, most often the "do gooders" who petition for re-introduction of predators aren't the ones suffering in the end.
Wolves in Jellystone
Wolves in Minniesota

Wolves in Minnesota, like those here in Wisconsin were not reintroduced by do-gooders. Wolves were not completely exterminated in Minnesota, and repopulated themselves under the protection of the Endangered Species act. This is where Wisconsin got it's wolves from(the wolves crossed the border all by themselves) along with those that migrated down from Canada and the U.P. of Michigan. I live within a few miles of one of the largest Packs in the state. Pictures in the local paper last year showed two adult wolves taking down a yearling deer on a frozen lake. I can see that lake from my window. Wolves were here in the area, long before the internet and the whining that goes on there.

I lived in Minnesota for several years back in the 1980s, back when the first moose season was created. Since then the population soared and now, plummeted. Last reliable study I saw said this.....
Preliminary results from 47 of the adult moose captured and collared during the past three years show that two-thirds died from health-related causes. Wolves killed one-third of those moose but sickness in 25 percent of those animals made them easy prey.
This tells me that wolves, while they prey on Moose, are not their biggest threat. Seems that "Brainworm" is the largest threat to the herd's health and is increasing because of the warmer winters(Minnesota Moose are on the extreme southern edge of their range) and the higher deer numbers in Moose habitat. Deer carry brainworm, and altho it does not affect them, they can and do transfer the parasite to Moose when the two are in the same area. This is why the DNR wants to reduce deer numbers in those areas.....similar to Wisconsin and it's CWD. Reduce the numbers to reduce the chance of transmission to healthy animals. Sounds like they want to increase deer numbers in areas without Moose tho, but still, if your only deer hunting area is in moose areas, your odds of being successful is gonna be reduced.

This doesn't mean the MN DNR is screwing up, only that they are doing what they think is best for the health of both herds. I can understand the frustration tho, if it negatively affects the numbers in your hunting area, and why it may seem "screwed up", especially when hunters in southern Minnesota are smiling because they are seeing and shooting more deer.

In addition, what better way to get a dig in against hunters than by allowing wolves to decimate the herbivore populations w/o having yourself get blamed?

Thanks to a court decision to reinstate grey wolves to the Endangered Species status, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin DNRs have no say as to having a legal hunting season and limiting populations of wolves. Thus, they really can't be blamed for something they have no control over. All three states had legitimate wolf seasons to keep wolf numbers to realistic numbers until the relisting. Like any major predator, if we want deer and Moose in high numbers for easier hunting, we need to control those populations. Wolves also need to be hunted to retain their fear of man and living close to his habitations.
So the Mn DNR wants to depopulate the deer to save the moose. I understand your frustration.
Spot on.
See the (link) read the: Global warming is killing Minnesota caption. Consider: wolves have no borders. Their free roaming between Canada and the US.. From International Falls MN to Sand Stone in the So. is around 250 miles. A very large area of the State wolves inhabit. I own property North of Virginia MN. 100 lb wolves are often seen all over the place. As far as I'm concerned. Deer aren't a moose problem. But Grey Wolves are. Moose Caves & cows continually fall victim to Grey Wolf. DNR blames the deer in St. Louis county for passing brain worms to the moose. I don't see how when there are so few deer left thanks to the Grey Wolves_Howling for Wolves twits_ and the poor judgement of our DNR. Killing the deer off in St Louis county. (biggest deer hunting region in the State) No deer license sold for hunting that county any longer. Time too. Lay off/ fire allot of Game Wardens.
Probably get a reduction in my house taxes not having to pay for crew of Wardens standing around with nothing to do. Wouldn't that be charming.