MN 14 year old girl action shooting champ


New member
Just a nice story about somebody achieving some notoriety involving guns used for sporting purposes.

She's from MN and I happy for that. She shoots 3 gun competition too and uses an AR-15 and 12 gauge.

And if you read the comments to the story almost all of them are positive about the young lady and her sport!

Honestly sometimes I forget guns can be enjoyed.

Here is the link that I originally left out:

Apologies and thanks to rpseraph for providing one.
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Fer pity sake!!!

A sincere thank you to rpseraph and an apology to everyone else.

I'll go back and add the link to the original post.

P.S. I just might be at the point where I can hide my own Easter eggs.
Good story about a great young woman. Given what she's accomplishing at 14, she could be the next Kim Rhode, albeit in another sport -- looks like she has that level of talent, and maybe the determination, as well.