MMM website hacked -- misleading heading


This is beautiful. Simply Beautiful.

But when i do a search on Yahoo and Infoseek, this site does not come up... is there something that can be done about that?



"... I rejoice that America has resisted [The Stamp Act]. Three millions of people, so dead to all feelings of liberty as to voluntarily submit to being slaves, would have been fit instruments to make slaves of the rest of us." -- William Pitt, British Parliament, December 1765

[This message has been edited by USP45 (edited June 07, 2000).]
John did an excellent job with this site, he could add the "Million Mom March" & " Center for the prevention of handgun violence" phrases to his meta tags to bring it up on those search parameters but would probably have to ditch some of the meta tags that are already there, you only get so many characters before they count it as spam.
The owner of the website is our own "John/AZ" attention kids :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Just checked it out. Great job on the sight. It's a lot more that just a dig on the MMM. It's got a good bit of information.

"Some people spend an entire liftime wondering if they made a difference. Marines don't have that problem."
Semper Fi