MMM question to editors.


New member
I sent this out today to the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News:

I am writing with an open question. The Moms assembled under the auspices of the MMM to call for "reasonable gun control." I watched a large portion of the assembly on Sunday, and have read and seen numerous reports covering it. I was struck by the numerous calls to "get rid of guns." There is a difference between the call for gun control and the call to outright "get rid of guns." That is calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment and an outright ban on firearms. If this is truly what the goal of the Moms is, I question how many would have rallied their support for this clearly partisan goal?

Erik Wallace

Maybe they'll run it. Maybe not. But I am curious to the answer. I know a few women who agree with the blanket statement of the MMM that "reasonanle" gun control is needed. When I ask them what that means to them, they admit to having not thought much about specifics.