MMM at the Avon, Ct. WalMart

Swamp Yankee

New member
I went to the Avon, Ct. WalMart yesterday (about 120 mile round trip). This store is being "protested" for carrying firearms by the MMM. The purpose of my visit was to support WalMart's position by patronizing the firearm section of this store, buying a .22 rifle and some ammo.
The MMM were supposed to be there. I arrived at 9:30 and left about 10:45 in the morning. No signs of the protesters.
Last night I checked the local news, only saw one station carrying 30 to 45 second story about the protest. Looks like they had 10-12 people, about 1/2 children waving signs for the TV camera. From my observation the protest started and ended when the TV crew appeared and left.
My observation, if there was no arranged TV coverage the protest(?) would never have happened, and no one including WalMart really took them seriously.
Based on the fact most of the cheap 9mm ammo was pretty much cleaned out, the firearms section will remain a fixture at this store.
Take Care and support WalMart.
And from the other side of the Looking Glass . . .

Swamp Yankee - Thanks for your post. I was in the dumps over this as the only thing I had read about the event was this piece of self-delusion. On the flip side, I hope they didn't come after you left.

It looks like you Connecticut folks have some work to do. Check out their schedule.


From: Nancy Riley
To: Undisclosed-Recipient
Sent: 1/20/2001 3:32:05 PM
Subject: First Public Avon Walmart Protest a Huge Success!

Hi folks,

I wanted to report back to everyone about the awesome showing we had at our protest in front of the Avon Walmart this afternoon. We had at least 125 people come out on this cold New England day in support of stopping the Avon Walmart from selling guns. Many cars driving by pulled over just to stop and sign our petition. Many other cars,. passing by, honked in support. The media was out, watch channel 30 news tonight for complete coverage.

There is simply overwhelming community support not to have guns sold at this Walmart and we will be heard! In just 1 week we have collected over 1,000 signatures! Congratulations to Tom and Wayne for excellent speeches and to all those who worked so hard to put this demonstration together.

We will be picketing Walmart all of this week and holding a major petition drive next weekend. If you can come out to hold a sign for an hour and collect petition signatures please come. We will be there on Tues: 12-12:30PM, Wed, Thu & Fri : 9-10AM, 12-1PM, 3-4PM. In addition, we will be looking for volunteers to work on a petition drive next Saturday and Sunday, let me know if you can join us so I can be sure to get you petitions and information on appropriate sites to gather signatures.

Watch also for details on a community meeting being planned for an evening in the near future. We will inform you of all the particulars as soon as they are set.

Thank you, everyone, for all your marvelous support. Maria, YOU GO GIRL!!! We will succeed! --Nancy