MK40 and shorts


New member
I live in florida and mostly wear shorts and a t-shirt. how concealable is the MK40? What type of holster do you use?
I have the MK9 which is about the same size and weight. In answer to your question I can only ask what kind of shorts? I denim shorts a front pocket holster or rear pocket holster works fine. In cargo shorts I have used the front thigh pocket with the flag. For lighter athletic shorts it is one of the few good uses for a Pager Pal or Thunder Wear, just don't plan on spending much time sitting down because the Pager Pal is really uncomfortable. If the shorts are this and only have an elastic waist the Pager Pal is not an option sinse the gun is too heavy. That leaves you with Thunder Wear or my choice for Rollerblading, a fanny pack.
My MK40 is pretty concealable, but I find my S&W 642 (pre-sellout) just a tad more so, and lighter too. Anyway, although I've worn the MK40 with shorts in Thunderwear, I find it conceals better using a belly band and a loose-fitting or untucked shirt.
Hi O-town,

We will be introducing the Ky-Tac Pocket-Lock-it holster shortly. When used in combination with pants with "slash" type pockets, this is the fastest pocket holster we've encountered. We've got some in stock, but no write up or images yet. If you have any questions, feel free to drop us an email.