MK IV/Series 80: Gold Cup National Match


Found a Gold Cup National Match Series 80 MK IV chambered in .45 ACP. Blued. It has a black textured Colt grips with the Colt Rampart Medallion. It also has nice front and read strap serrations. Another feature that makes it stand apart from the Gold Cup Nationals I've seen is the trigger. This one has what looks to be as a matched trigger (three holes vertical on the trigger).

I've yet to find one that looks the same or as the above features mentioned. It is LNIB.

What other than the storage case and owner's manual does this come with? Checked late on-line auction and have found what seems to be an average condition selling for $699 and New/Old Stock $1300.00.

Thank you for reading this thread and if you can share some wisdom regarding this particular Colt, it will be highly appreciated.
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I believe that I have identified the pistol in question. It is Gold Cup Trophy but rather than stainless steel finish as shown on Colt's website. This particular model is blued.

Is it possible that some years ago, the Gold Cup Trophy were offered blued finish?
Really, Colt has done so many guns. The Trophy model was in a blued version. I don't know about 2003 thru 2013 no idea. They are cool and smart choice for target, plinking, collecting action. Was price $699 grab that one is good price.
The three hole trigger is recent, in an early series 80 GC should still be a half moon trigger. Don't let anyone fool ya the three hole is at 1991 and after.
I want to change statement the blue must of been available since 99 or 00. Since that's when I started my mania in slobering over them all.
Thanks for the feedback.

I went further and contacted Colt today and received the following info:

- Blued Gold Cup Trophy were made between 1997 and 2011. This model has a July 1997 production month (Colt certification date evidenced by the paper target).
- shipped August 1997 to Colt dealer.
- it is has the "CS" designation in the model nomenclature. Custom Shop. Which explains the enhancements I noted when inspecting the pistol that threw me off and necessitated this thread.
- 8rd and 7rd mags, bushing wrench, light-load recoil spring (not installed), owners manual, original hard plastic carrying case, cable safety lock, safety disclaimer orange tag and Colt Authorized Repair/Service sheet.