Mix & Match


Not having one of each in front of me, maybe someone can answer the following for me?

How do parts interchange on the colt style Walker and Dragoons? I understand that Colt shortened the cylinder of the Walker, but not the frame, when creating the Dragoon? The quarter inch difference being made up by extending the barrel back to meet the shorter cylinder? So would a barrel and cylinder from a Walker fit on a Dragoon frame? How about the loading lever? Would the rammer assembly from a Dragoon fit the Walker if a new barrel catch was fitted? I assume the sights sometimes fitted to a Third Dragoon could easily be fit onto the longer Waker barrel?

Just thinking of a sort of hybred. The 9" barrel and larger cylinder from the Walker with the flat mainspring, sights, improved rammer catch, and detachable shoulder stock from Third Dragoon.
I think the frames are different. Without both in front of my I cannot say positively, but having handled both, I think they are different.