Mitt Romney - what now...


New member
What advice would you give Mitt Romney to help him win the Republican Party nomination?

Who knows, as an NRA Life members, Mitt or someone on his staff might even read your responses?
I think they need to emphasize that he looks better in a suit than any of the rest of the guys running, and clearly has the best hair.

Good hair can take you a long way in politics.
hksigwalther..yes, I am aware that Romney has only been a life members since last year's SHOT show. I may be wrong, but I think he joined the NRA as a Life member. He incorrectly stated that he was an avid gun enthusiast, based on his track record record and experience. As for motive, you may be partly correct, but I don't believe Romney views the Second Amendment with contempt.
Ron is right, he's a 2A pretender.

What advice would you give Mitt Romney to help him win the Republican Party nomination?
  • Pick a side in Roe v. Wade and stick with it. (Preferably the side you're on now)
  • Vow to veto any so-called assault weapon ban.
  • Oppose mandatory background checks for private gun sales.
  • Assert that you are against torturing people for the so-called "war on terror."
  • Support internet neutrality.

That would be almost enough for me to get behind him.
I'd ask him to quit the campaign, and enjoy life with his family. We don't need another business as usual president, so go home now and stop squandering your children's money.
Being a moderately objective Conservative (unlike the Paulines posting here) I would say:

--Regain the composure you displayed in the first two debates.
--Quit with the negative ads against Huck. He will either prosper or flounder on his own merits.
--Rudy is a concern now. Accentuate the difference between yourself and him.
--McCain is resurgent, although I'll never know why. Accentuate the differences between yourself and him.

Don't bother trying to convert the Paulines. They don't listen much anyway. :rolleyes:

Oh, BTW, Paulines, if your guy makes it through the primary, and wins the nomination, I will vote for your guy.

Are any of you willling to make the same statement?

I think I can predict the answer to that one... ;)
Forget attacking the other candidates and talk more on his own ideas and values. Also, get out or the suit more and let folks see the more relaxed Mitt Romney.
We don't need another business as usual president

Pat H...I view Romney as the the opposite of "another business as usual president." He's a business guy who may have the right skills and experience to cut waste and get our country back on track.

His flip-flopping is probably calculated to attract enough support to gain the nomination, before he moderates his views again to gain Independent support to win in November.
I'm a Paul supporter and I'm not trying to be a smart ass here, but Romney should have been a democrat. Had he started years ago as a centerist democrat I think he would be kicking Hillary and Obama's butts right now. I don't know if his religion is a real issue with republican evangelicals, but it would have been very little of a problem running as a democrat. Healthcare is a big issue for the democrats and he would have smoked everyone on that since he would be the only one with an actual working model in Massachusetts. He is vague, yet hawkish enough on the war that he doesn't seem like a wimp, and is without the baggage of having voted for it. Plus, he has the cash to go against the Clinton campaign machine.

He's simply in the wrong party.