Missouri Firearms Freedom act

Requires firearms manufactured or sold in Missouri under the
provisions of the bill to bear the words "Made in Missouri"
stamped on a central metallic part.

That's a decent trade off I think.
Does this have anything but symbolic value as compared to the Federal laws?

Might someone with expertise expound on this, beyond an Attaboy!

Do you want to be Mr. Sawed-off who goes to the SCOTUS in a few years?
Interesting bill, telling the Feds to go stuff it.
But, given Missouri's history with firearms legislation I doubt it will become law. I sure wish they would get on the concealed carry reciprocity wagon. About a fourth of my life is spent in Missouri. I live only 25 miles from the AR/MO border and some of my family is up there not far away.
I sure wish they would get on the concealed carry reciprocity wagon.

What on earth do you mean? MO honors ALL valid CCW permits from every state. The issuing state doesn't even need to recognize the MO permit to be valid, nor does the issuing state need to be your state of residence.

Citation: Note the first sentence on this page:

Does this have anything but symbolic value as compared to the Federal laws?

Doubt it. It looks to be nothing more than what some other states (Montana) have done. However, MO does have a couple manufacturers here, so potentially this could be a testbed for this kind of thing. I don't know if Montana has any NFA manufacturers, but Missouri has CMMG... theoretically, this would allow MO residents to purchase a full auto CMMG AR-15. I wouldn't want my butt to be the one on the line to test it, but I like the idea.
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More and more, people and state governments are tiring of the Federal government trying to regulate every aspect of our lives using powers that were clearly reserved for the states. I think these kind of laws just provide a testbed to see how strongly the Federal government is willing to defend its' position.
I think (but don't have time to check tonight) that there is a bill in the Arkansas General Assembly right now that specifically states that firearms manufactured and sold in Arkansas do not travel in interstate commerce, and are therefore not subject to federal regulation based on IC.
Isn't the argument that even if you make some product in your state, someone will load a truck full of them and drive off to another state?

Thus, there is interstate commerce. Is the state mandated to patrol its borders to keep its products inside those borders?

No expert on the Commerce clause but I vaguely recall that such analyses are used to make the proposed state law not really pratical.

Same goes for local drug production. Missouri meth stays in Missouri?
I'm not a commerce clause expert, either. Frankly, I rarely deal in that issue. The bill (HB 1487, in case anyone is interested) specifies that it deals only with firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition that are manufactured in Arkansas, and stay within the state, though. I seem to recall something from my con law class about the issue being whether a class of products, not one specific product (for example, bearing serial number XYZ123), travelled in interstate commerce and was thus subject to federal regulation. If we have anyone on here who seriously deals in interstate commerce, I'd love to have second (& more educated) opinions, though.