Missouri CCW

chris in mo

New member
Just wanted to post a reminder to anyone from MO out there. April 6 the CCW issue is on the Missouri ballot. It is proposition B on the ballot. We need everyones support to get this law passed so please everybody get out and vote.
Chris in MO
I am with Chris get out and tell everyone you know about this.

Oh yes I like my Tupperware
VOTE YES April 6th on Prop. B, for a safer Missouri
I'll be voting and encouraging everyone else. Have heard radio spots from a couple of LE organizations in support of Prop B also.
I talked to one of the main guys at LEAA this morning about the Missouri situation. By the end of the week, there will be two full time LEAA staff members on the ground in MO until the vote.
One of the Board members of the LEAA will be heading up there to film a commercial within the next week.

I may be heading there to do some work on the project too, as will my wife.

Where and when in MO? Maybe some and/or all the MO TFL folks could get together. If I can help you out in any way, e-mail me.
I hope it is a land slide in favor of Proposition B.

With Colorado likley to pass a form of concealed carry and if it passes in Mo, that should apply more pressure to the Kansas politicos.

The number of states without such laws are falling, slowly but surely.

Mark Waldon
I'll be sure to update everyone as soon as I know, fal. I was just called about the project this morning, so I may not hear details until tomorrow. I told them that I was open to going as soon as this weekend, so It might be right around the corner.

Meanwhile, I was called last night by a friend in Branson about a radio station in Springfield. Apparently, the GM there gave an editorial against CCW and they are looking for someone to give a rebuttle within the next week.
Radio Station KTTS (1260 AM in Springfield) ran an Anti-CCW Editorial last week. The Editorial was read by the VP/GM of the station Curt Brown. I am currently working with the LEAA on a rebuttle, which should air next week.

Those of you in South Central MO might give the station a call to let them know where you stand (or send them a fax)


Here is the text of the Editorial:

On April 6th, Missourians will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition B. It has to do with allowing persons to carry concealed handguns into banks, hospitals, emergency rooms, bars, restaurants, sports stadiums, malls, theme parks, day care cneters, school parking lots, school buses and the like. It allows the sheriff of each county to issue permits to those who want to carry handguns. The person need never have had to fire a gun in their life, however they are required to attend a 12-hour safety course. Businesses could post their property for no guns.. however it would take metal detectors similar to those at the airports to enforce the rule. Can you imagine going to a ball game or Silver Dollar City and everyone having to pass through a metal detector before entering? Missouri's law enforcement community is strongly opposed to proposition B, you should be too. Proposition B says that only "law abiding citizens" could qualify, but that includes persons who have pled no contest to felonies, criminals who have not been caught, mentally unstable persons, parolees, those convicted of misdemeanors and of course, people who lie on their applications. All in all Proposition B is a dangerous idea and would make Missouri on eof the least restrictive states in the nation. I urge you to vote NO on Proposition B on April 6th.


I think it especially poetic that he advocates voting against the proposition so that Missouri will not become "one of the least restrictive states in the nation." If that doesn't sum up that anti-gun agenda, nothing will.

The Kansas City Star Opinion/Editorial Page editors have already come out against Prop B, being the liberal rag that it is. Chris is correct, tell everyone you know and vote in April for Prop B!
Anheuser Busch has come out in favor of Prop B. Sarah Brady has started in on critisizing AB. I've just sent an email in support of AB. I sent in to budcentral@budweiser.com.
We need to show our support to Anheuser Busch as they are very big supporters of the shooting sports.

[This message has been edited by fal308 (edited March 23, 1999).]
Ya know, I've never been a fan of Budweiser - I tend to like imported beers or microbrews rether than that watered-down mainstream stuff. But, when I heard that AB had come out in support of MO's CCW, I went out and had a coupla buds. Not too bad......
