Missouri CCW Vote

chris in mo

New member
Just a reminder to all. It is down to the wire here in MO. The vote for CCW is tomorrow April 6th. The polls indicate that the vote will be very close. Voter turn out is expected to be low, only about 1 million votes expected. It is vital that we all get out to vote on this issue, and urge any friends and relatives to do so also. For those of you not from Missouri, keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Chris in MO
Good luck tomorrow, Chris, here's hoping you all will prevail and the good people in the "Show Me" state will be able to exercise their right fo self defense. M2
The very best of luck to you. Even though I don't live in MO, I am still kinda nervous about the upcoming vote, just hopin' like heck it goes well. It'll mean that one more no-issue state is gone. Keep us up on the results. If all goes well, I just may go and buy a 6-pack o' Bud :)

Hope it goes well I travel through MO on my way home to Montana and would love to carry legally .
I think I will go buy a six of Bud!!!!
Weird... here I thought I was the only one nervous about MO. :)

I'm traveling through St Louis later this week... hopefully I can do it without a guilty conscience.

Good luck, Chris.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
Well folks, Proposition B (CCW) failed here. It lost by a close margin of about 52% to 48%. It appears that the scare tactics used by the opposition about criminals getting permits and carnage in the streets and bars were too great to overcame with the simple truth. It is a sad night here. Chris in MO
Chris, I'm so sorry to hear this news. It appears that 'truth' is always a major casualty whenever the anti-self defense nuts take to the streets.
So sorry for all the good folks in Missouri.

Take heart. When CHL first was discussed in Texas, our Gov. Ann Richards would not let it come to a vote by the people or by our state government. So, when George Bush said he would sign any CHL that the state gov't put on his desk - we drop kicked Annie back to the DNC and made Bush Governor.

Don't lose heart. Regroup, rethink, and start today to work on getting it through. Target every elected official that opposed it. Target every appointed official that opposed it for they are appointed by elected officials. We won't change these people unless they see there is a cost for opposing us.
I am sorry for you folks in Mo. A victory there would have done so much towards passage of similar bills in the rest of heartland.

Use the support that has been generated in your favor through this effort when elections are there in two years. Get the folks out of office that opposed! A battle may have been lost, but the war is not over.
Damn! As someone said, regroup, rethink, refocus, go again. Percerverence pays in the long run. It seemed fairly close, keep the faith, baby.
Well, to me, the outcome of the Missouri election is both frightening and sad. Frightening, because a group of free Americans, the Missouri electorate, voted to deny themselves the expression of a fundamental civil liberty. Frightening also, because of the Federal Government's agitation toward this outcome. Sad, because--since concealed carry is a proven deterrent to crime--a lot of Missourians will become crime victims when they would not have if the proposition had passed.

The defeat of the proposition makes me wonder how many Americans nowadays are willing to do the work required to tell reason from fear, truth from falsehood, and knowledge from propaganda. Ignorance of the issues is no excuse in the polling place, just as ignorance of the law is no excuse in the courtroom. But the Missourians who voted in favor of the proposition were willing to do the work demanded of informed Americans, and they should, in my view, be very proud of this, regardless of the outcome of the election.
Just when I think I've seen the limit of human foolishness...

Sorry, Chris. This sucks big-time... just slightly more than half of your neighbors cry about eeevil guns and Saving! The! Children!, and everyone else pays the price. Ah, the joys of democracy.

This is a wake-up call for all of us. We can't change the antis' minds, but we can sure as hell get more of our brethren (and sistren :)) involved in the fight.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
I don't want to sound like Pollyanna, but -

We have lost nothing in Missouri; we failed to gain, but the people of the state are no worse off.

We spent a lot of money, but we forced the antis to spend also.

We got the issue out in the open; that is good, not bad.

What we all need to do now:

Help replenish the NRAs treasury.
Keep up the fight.

What Missourans need to work on next:

Re-elect Ashcroft. This is more important than the CCW vote, because more anti Senators could cause big losses, not just a failure to gain.

Keep chins up!
Just heard on the radio coming home this morning after getting off work that Jim Talent, the congressman from St Louis County is starting to backpedal in his opinions on CCW. He has consistently been a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights. According to the radio news report, he has been rethinking his position vis a vis the concealed carry proposal after seeing how his constituency voted in the Proposition B voting.