missin somethin?


Because of a previous thread discussing the joys of bruised shoulders and rattled brains from shooting big thumpers I decided to take to the range with my trapdoor and 430+gr full loads. Anyway after a couple of fouling shots (which rattled my brain) I shot a clover leaf 3 shot group from a sub 1" group I put 2 more down range and ended up with a sub 2" group a few more a sub 6" group etc. After 13 rounds I had a group I won't even tell my dogs about, and I tell them everything.

Did I think it was fun? Only if getting a vertical butt stroke before being bayonetted is fun, only if burying Gramma is fun, only if getting bucked off a horse and catching the saddle horn in the groin on the way down is fun.

So Doc if you're ever in the neighborhood, let me buy you a sandwich at the North HiWay Cafe and the beverage of your choice and then you can take my Mauser and 40 rds of factory misery so I can have the brass for pleasant cast bullet cartridges.
Geeze, all it sounds like is you developed barrel fouling. Either more lube (beeswax disc under the bullet or a different bullet with more lube carrying capacity) or a blow tube is necessary. It looks like the gun can shoot quite well.
It's nice of you to blame the rifle and not the shooter hellgate. I use Darr formula lube, a bullet that casts to .462, same as the groove diameter and a fiber spacer between the bullet and the powder.

You're right that it is a tack driver, I use to shoot 2" 100yd. groups, but my eyesight was much better 20 years ago. Yesterday I was shooting at 50 yds and the deterioration of accuracy was due to concentration breakdown anticipating the pain of the forth coming shot.

Anyway, that's why I've gone to cast bullets for most of my 20th century cartridges. Makes for a much pleasanter range day.
When I am working up a load with a heavy recoiling rifle (TD carbine or 58cal rifled musket, and even the '06) I put a sandbag between me and the gun butt. It is much more pleasant to get a shove than a smack.
And I did that resulting in much pain reduction, I should have thought about my cheek and elbows too. I need to invest in one of those PAST recoil thingies.
And I did that resulting in much pain reduction, I should have thought about my cheek and elbows too. I need to invest in one of those PAST recoil thingies.
I have two PAST sissy pads & even use them for shooting my .22s.
Why? It takes the heartbeat shudder out of the equation for target shooting.
I can shoot my thumpers without bruises.
When I got a Zouave reproduction rifle I didn't read enough about shooting the Civil War era rifled muskets.
I loaded the thing with solid 650 grain bullets, 100 grains of 2fg, and fired her off.
After I awoke & got up off the ground I saw that the muzzle blast had blown off all the leaves from my woods over an acre of gournd.
The chickens had no feathers.
Farmers milk cows dried up.
The Air Force was called in to investigate the mile high mushroom cloud, & the earth quake center reported an 9.0 quake with the epicenter right where
my house once stood.:eek:
Dang but that was fun.:D
I'm gonna have to stop hangin out here, , bought a shoulder pad and took the trapdoor out to the range yesterday After 10 casual shots down range I put up a new target up and was able to shoot 5 rounds into just over 2". Probably could do a litte better with a lighter trigger pull.

While this isn't a great group, I recommend the PAST shoulder protecter for folks like me.
Missin somethin?

My Marlin 1895 loaded hot with 500 grain cast bullets gives me a headache after 10 rounds or so. It really will knock a big boar hog stone dead too.
chest waders? getting deep here?
WHAT! That was a TRUE story.
I really did over load the Zouave using 650 grain solid bullets and it did
thump really hard. I quit that & loaded with mini bullets & 40 grains of
Much more fun.
The sissy pad is a great device & I use it especially for the hard thumpers.
My 45-70 Marlin with stout charges of smokeless & a 405 grain bullet thumps worse than a 12 bore with slugs.
I'm going to load 300 grain bullets in it for Ohio's first legal rifle season this fall.