Misleading the next generation


New member
Some college students or least the student papers don’t get it. Blame the guns for violence and suicide not the break down of society in the inner city. This is second or third editorial against guns this school year. It just to bad that for many students this is only source of “news” they read.

“Now on appeal to the Supreme Court, there is an opportunity to reverse this erroneous ruling and give jurisdiction back to the local authorities to decide what is best for their communities. It is imperative for this ruling to be reversed if America stands any chance of reducing unnecessary gun violence. The Second Amendment must be interpreted in its entirety, and communities must have the right to ban handguns and save their residents' lives.
According to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence our country is experiencing a startling problem. There are approximately 65 million privately-owned handguns in America. It is estimated that 1 to 3 million handguns change hands on the black market each year. In 2004, 29,569 people in America died from firearm-related deaths, including 11,624 murders, 16,750 suicides and 649 accidents. As the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence found, "For every time a gun is used in a home in a legally-justifiable shooting, an estimated 22 criminal, unintentional and suicide-related shootings occur."”

“I'm learning about the psychodiagnostic assessment that could prevent suicidal ideation, but I can't seem to understand why we're making it so easy for our children to kill themselves by allowing easy access to the guns that are so often used to commit suicide.
Our country is in the midst of a preventable pandemic. Advocates, lawmakers and politicians alike must rally around this issue and put the decision-making power in the hands of those who know best: the communities. It is my hope that the Supreme Court reverses the previous decision and gives the fight against gun violence a chance.”

If you have some time go to the blog below the article and help tell the truth.