Miscounting votes garners a death sentence...

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...at least according to Paul supporter in New hampshire.

Paul supporters 'freak out' town clerk
Vote-counting flub draws ire, threats

January 12. 2008 12:20AM

Jennifer Call's eyes searched the office for nothing in particular. Her arms waved and her fear spilled out.

"This is where I grew up," Sutton's town clerk said yesterday. "This is my hometown, this is where my family is, and all of sudden, my name is being splashed across the internet as this horrible person. And the frightening part is, I don't know these people and they don't know me."

Call wants the nationwide army of boisterous Ron Paul supporters, believers in more conspiracy theories than Oliver Stone, to know that she's committed no crime. Not treason, as the dozens of phone callers screamed. Not fraud, as the dozens of e-mails charged. Nothing. Human error, by someone unknown, caused Call's office to claim Paul received zero votes from the town during Tuesday's first-in-the-nation primary. Paul actually got a whopping 31 votes. Out of 920 cast.
Launch an investigation. Alert the media.

The mistake was corrected early the next morning, but that hardly mattered. The Paul machine, upon reading the number in print, quickly went into counteroffensive mode. This is luck at its worst. Screw up Rudy Giuliani's vote total. Or John McCain's. Or John Edwards's. Or Bill Richardson's. But never, ever get anything wrong when it comes to Paul and his voting tally. If you do, fans who shouted from the rooftops through the primary season will track you down and chew you out.

"Most of the these people are not rational," Call said.

Call, 35, arrived at the Pillsbury Memorial Hall Tuesday morning at 7 for the start of a marathon day. About a dozen or so staffers coordinated the effort, guiding voters, counting votes, rechecking totals. Paul's 31 votes got lost in the shuffle, lost in translation between moderator Greg Hill's voice and Call's pen. The slot next to Paul's name on the original return sheet said 31, but a space on Call's return, next to Paul's name, remained blank.

"He's (Gill) reading off his results, I'm writing them down on the return," Call said. "I don't know why it was blank. I don't know if he skipped over it or if someone interrupted him to repeat the last name and it got skipped, or maybe I missed it. It was that simple."

No it wasn't. Call was met by town officials the next morning at 9:30. They told her the mistake had been rectified. Call, her jacket still on, was confused. "What are you talking about?" she asked. She was told someone had come in and said he'd voted for Paul. The voter noticed the "0" in the local newspaper and wanted an explanation. When he got it, he left, satisfied.

Call phoned the Secretary of State's office and re-faxed the form, the one with a circled "31" next to Paul's name. Just to make sure. Then it hit, like one of those snowstorms last month. Call got a call from someone named Bob. No last name. She remembers the man identifying himself as a reporter for the Associated Press, looking for the story on voter fraud. She said she'd fetch the details, then call him back, thinking the media would need a strict timeline and every tidbit available.

"I'm thinking he's legitimate," Call said. "I call Bob back and it's a fax machine. I called AP and asked for Bob. They told me a reporter would have given a last name."Others in the office received calls and e-mails. But Call was the name out front, the town clerk as well as the tax collector. She was labeled the brains behind the plot. She had the biggest target on her back.

The assault picked up after lunch. Paul supporters phoning Call claimed to be from the media. Others just yelled, saying she had committed treason, fraud. One person said she should be shot. She received as many as 40 calls that day.

"One person said he was on a nationally syndicated radio station," Call said, "and he has given out my phone number and they need to call the town of Sutton to find out why there's voter fraud." The voices came from everywhere. California. Ohio. Florida. Michigan. Very few were from New Hampshire.

A man from Texas e-mailed that he was "contacting, by certified mail, the Attorney General of New Hampshire . . . and requesting a complete investigation and prosecution of any and all parties involved." A police dispatcher in New London said yesterday she'd received inquiries about the clerk's office phone.

Call got a handful of calls that night at home, refusing to pick up whenever an out-of-state number appeared on her screen....

For the rest of the shameful story...

What they did was wrong. It was done out of frustration at both real and perceived bias against Paul, but it was still wrong.

Does this mean that Paul isn't the best man for the job? Not at all. His followers aren't running for office; he is.
You know, I think it is simply about the complete lack of transparency in voting and the frustration it causes. If all she gets is phone calls, then whoopdeedoo. Let me know when they do something illegal. I've seen much worse on these forums or on O'Reilly.

Frankly, human error in this case is inexcusable. Every step of vote tallying to reporting should be verified by multiple eyes. The very fact that at any time there *is* only one person that can make a mistake/change is not a good thing. This demonstrates a flaw in the process, one that should be remedied.

Casino's know this, and they are only counting money.
You know, I think it is simply about the complete lack of transparency in voting and the frustration it causes. If all she gets is phone calls, then whoopdeedoo. Let me know when they do something illegal. I've seen much worse on these forums or on O'Reilly.

Last time I checked, harassment was illegal.

Frankly, human error in this case is inexcusable. Every step of vote tallying to reporting should be verified by multiple eyes. The very fact that at any time there *is* only one person that can make a mistake/change is not a good thing. This demonstrates a flaw in the process, one that should be remedied.

Human error will be present in anything humans do. Every step in this process was verified by multiple eyes, thats how the mistake was caught.

Glad to see your fine with people calling this lady and telling her she's a traitor and should die becuase she did something every single one of us has done 1000 times over.
Human error will be present in anything humans do. Every step in this process was verified by multiple eyes, thats how the mistake was caught.

Except that it was caught after the numbers were released for public consumption. That's a failure in the system.

Glad to see your fine with people calling this lady and telling her she's a traitor and should die becuase she did something every single one of us has done 1000 times over.

"Call got a handful of calls that night at home, refusing to pick up whenever an out-of-state number appeared on her screen...."


Care to make a wager as to how long this lasts? She's merely the face in this fiasco. I bet it's already stopped. oh, wait, the tiny little bit of the article you didn't include has it:
"It's calmer now. The calls and e-mails had stopped as of yesterday afternoon [Friday]. Call had the day off, but she went into her office to retrieve some paperwork."

I think your "garners a death sentence" headline is quite sensational.
Care to make a wager as to how long this lasts? She's merely the face in this fiasco. I bet it's already stopped. oh, wait, the tiny little bit of the article you didn't include has it:
"It's calmer now. The calls and e-mails had stopped as of yesterday afternoon [Friday]. Call had the day off, but she went into her office to retrieve some paperwork."

Oh, well OK then. She only received death threats for a couple of days. Well fine then. No worries.

Nothing to see here folks, just move along, move along please.
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The OP is titled Miscounting votes garners a death sentence...

Not one mention of a death threat in the whole article.

Only Call "freaking out" when it dawned on her "these people aren't rational":eek:

Here is the strogest threat in the whole story: A man from Texas e-mailed that he was "contacting, by certified mail, the Attorney General of New Hampshire . . . and requesting a complete investigation and prosecution of any and all parties involved."

OMG NO! Not a certified letter:eek:
Not one mention of a death threat in the whole article.

You must've missed it. From the article:

The assault picked up after lunch. Paul supporters phoning Call claimed to be from the media. Others just yelled, saying she had committed treason, fraud. One person said she should be shot. She received as many as 40 calls that day.
One person said she should be shot. She received as many as 40 calls that day.

One person out of the whole big 40 makes a dumb remark( if its true we only have her word it happened) and all Ron Paul supporters are loons is that it?

Why are the acts and words of potentialy 40 people, if there were that many different ones, being used to try and denigrate and label as irrational millions of Ron Paul supporters?

Is that even close to being fair or resonable?
Properly counting votes is not a trivial thing. A responsible public servant would want to fix the system so votes are not miscounted in the future, because one person has a brain fart. One would expect the announcement about the miscount, would at least contain at least some words to reestablish voters' confidence in the next election? I see nothing resembling responsiblility in the article.

The mistake, presumably would never even have been noticed or corrected had not a Ron Paul voter in that town gone in to complain.

All I see in this fiasco is the offending clerk shifting blame for her mistake to those who would complain about it. What does she expect? As if this mistake was akin to misspelling a dog's name on a dog license. Aside from accountability,how about punishment? Even a simple apology? Nothing. Pretty typical with arrogant bureaucrats these days.:barf:

This human error was not committed by "someone unknown" as the article falsely states.

"Most of the these people are not rational," Call said.

(Referring to Ron Paul supporters) Which is probably why she decided to zero out the votes for this candidate in the first place. And a few forum members happily ignore her irresponsible actions, and chime in with the blame shifting; going so far as to even shift the blame to the candidate himself. Predictable. And totally wrong.
One person out of the whole big 40 makes a dumb remark( if its true we only have her word it happened) and all Ron Paul supporters are loons is that it?

No one ever said that all Ron Paul supporters are loons.

However, Paul seems to attract more loons as supporters than any other candidate aside from Dennis Kucinich.

When put in context, this latest episode is a very serious matter. In fact, this isn't the first time that this type of thuggish intimidation has come from Paul supporters. Glen Beck has had to hire security for his family after receiving death threats from Paul supporters. Sean Hannity experienced the "mob mentality" of some Paul supporters when he was chased & threatened leaving a diner.

One can legitimately wonder how long it will be before this type of activity from Paul supporters crosses the line into actual violence.

"Just one" death threat? And that's acceptable? Harassing calls at the woman's home, at night, at work, and that's acceptable?

Oh, and she's probably a liar also. Yes, that's it. She's obviously part of the "Smear bund" conspiracy aligned against Ron Paul. :rolleyes:
(Referring to Ron Paul supporters) Which is probably why she decided to zero out the votes for this candidate in the first place. And a few forum members happily ignore her irresponsible actions, and chime in with the blame shifting; going so far as to even shift the blame to the candidate himself. Predictable. And totally wrong.

So then you believe the threats of violence against this woman from the Paul supporters are justified.

It's her own fault for "deliberately" trying to stiff Ron Paul on his votes. :rolleyes:

Poor, poor Ron Paul. What a heroic, tragic victim of a cruel conspiracy he is. :rolleyes:
One can legitimately wonder how long it will be before this type of activity from Paul supporters crosses the line into actual violence.

"Just one" death threat? And that's acceptable? Harassing calls at the woman's home, at night, at work, and that's acceptable?

Your right Luke, Paul should drop out of the race now before someone is killed.:eek:

He should also tell his supporters to vote for the candidate Luke likes and stop the madness before its too late:rolleyes:
These kinds of threads aren't adding anything to the quality of discourse on TFL. Remember what I posted a few days ago about threads about any candidate that have the words "cult" and "loons" flung about?

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