Minor buys handgun - legitimately?


New member
I know a young fella (19) who moved to Utah. He obtained a new driver's license and bought some smokes, when the clerk said "OK, your 24". Then he called to brag about the mistake and how he can go to bars now. A few weeks later, he again called up bragging about his new handgun purchase... the background check cleared!

Isn't this a great example of how rules, regulations and the way things are "supposed to be" have absolutely no bearing when governmental institutions mess up?
he may think he is 24, but he knows the real truth, and he will be the one to pay when the truth catches up with him,especially if he lied about his birthdate on the pistol forms. none of my business, but someday it will catch up to him.
Maybe it will catch up with him, but I doubt it. I don't understand how he could pass a federal BC, but I guess he did. Is the gov't going to call him on it when it finds out 5-10 yrs. down the road? Probably not, he'll be legal by then.
I hope he doesn't get in any trouble my only thinking is he signed the form stateing everything was true and accurate. When it comes to the gov't and the atf I wouldn't put anything past them, either way its done and over just hope they never catch it.
Probably they checked for felonies or whatever in the background check. If he keeps his nose clean till 21 I guess he can sigh with relief then, till then he better keep his mouth shut. Talk too much and step on your own ("tail") you know.
People doing the back ground check did not look at age or put two + Two together.

If he has any problems with it in his possession he is going to bite the bullet big time. Yep Be a Player and be toasted like a player!

Some how some place , some where, the issue is going to bit him in the azz!:D
How exactly do gun dealers determine a handgun buyer is 21?

I don't think the background check would have anything to do with it. He either lied about his age, the dealer was sloppy, or both. That does not make it a legitimate purchase.

He should have just bought one from an individual seller rather than a dealer. As far as I know that's the only kosher way for an 18-20 year old to acquire a pistol. Now that he went and did this, and you told the whole world about it on the internet, I bet there are serious problems headed at your buddy and the dealer.
I dont think he's going to be too happy when this catches up with him. I dont know what the statute of limitations is on the (likely several) federal offenses, and state felonies he committed, but I'll bet it's long enough that if they figure it out in the next 10 or even 20 years he's hosed and thats not just for buying the gun. If his license has the wrong date, but he signed saying everything was right, they can get him for that too.VERY, VERY bad idea.Is it worth risking prison time and loss of voting and 2A rights just to buy from a dealer instead of doing a private sale? Not even close. Just plain dumb.

Plus, he may have just screwed this dealer badly too, and the dealer may have had no way of knwing, but that may not stop the BATFE from pulling his FFL at least. Is it worth screwing an innocent man and his family out of thier busines and livelyhood? Nope, that makes him a scumag on top of being an idiot.

Using an ID you KNOW has the wrong birthdate, then lying to/tricking a dealer, then lying on the 4473, is not a "legitimate" sale. It's fraud, a federal offense, and a scummy, stupid thing to do.

This is the kinda crap that gives anti's ammo to get Congress/state legislatures to do things like: require fingerprinting and a waiting period of days to 100% verify your age/background BEFORE you get your gun, or make 3 forms of ID required, or a purchase permit from them sheriff, or any combination of those. Way to go, kid.Hope you only screwed yourself, and not yourself, the dealer, and all gun owners/buyers.:barf::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I dont know what the statue of limitations is on the (likely svereal) federal offenses, and state felonies he committed, but


A Felon is a Felon! No deferance between state or federal that I know of!
Sounds like his DL has the wrong date.

But he still had to lie on the forum where he enters his Birthdate...

Lying is never legitimate. :rolleyes:
A few weeks later, he again called up bragging about his new handgun purchase... the background check cleared!

If he didn't buy it from a dealer, it may be perfectly legal. It isn't against federal law for him to own or possess a handgun at his age so long as he bought in a private transaction. Not sure of Utah law. I'm sure someone else will chime in soon.
Yes, but there would have been no background check if he

had gone through an individual. Nothing wrong with that and i think most folks on this list would have said... cool. but buying through a store / FFL one has to fill out a government form that requires you answer a number of questions and then sign it saying they are all true. Fibbing on that form is a felony.... and you can't buy from an FFL unless you are 21. Stupid, Stupid law that should have never been allowed... same as if you are a felon and can't own a gun... really stupid law, not aimed at stopping gun crimes but just keeping guns out of as many citizens hands as possible... to protect the government.
the reason "the background check cleared" is because he has never been in trouble. NICS doesnt correlate a SSN to a birthdate that I am aware of. If the info on his license says he is of age and NICS comes back good, I can totally see how he got away with it.

I also believe it will catch up to him eventually, because he talks too much, then he will pay big time.
Clearly he was held back many times in grade school and his mother (bless her heart) lied to him about how old he is so we wouldn't get a complex :D