Minnesota Wolf Hunt Progress


New member

Hunting deer north of Duluth on Saturday morning, Garrett Mikrut had a whitetail doe and fawn run by about 10 yards from his stand. He thought a buck might be chasing the doe, so he readied himself for a shot.
But it wasn’t a buck.
“I saw movement in the woods,” said the hunter from Circle Pines, Minn. “I realized it was two wolves.”
This is a very eloquent wolf hunting story.

Day 1 ZONE'S NW 12 NE 16 EC 4 daily total = 32 (11/03)
Day 2 NW 8 NE 6 EC 4 daily total 18 = 50 (11/04)
Sub total 20 22 8
Day 3 NW 10 NE 6 EC 0 daily total 16 = 66 (11/05)
Sub total 30 28 (8)Closed
Day 4 NW 3 NE 1 EC (0) daily total 4 = 70 (11/06)
Sub total 33 29 (8) Closed
Day 5 NW 1 NE 3 EC (0) daily total 4 = 74 (11/07)
Sub total NW 34 NE 32 EC (8) Closed
Day 6 NW 2 NE 4 EC (0) daily total 6 = 80 (11/08)
Sub total NW 36 NE 36 EC (8) Closed

Here is a nice young Male Wolf taken by a local hunter on the opening day.
This camp had 5 wolves seen with one lost and 1 tagged.
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I am surprised also, however the numbers will not reduce the overall Wolf population in the State.
This will be an easy to find record to compare with future seasons.
I will update the thread each day.
I talked to the lucky hunter that bagged the Male Wolf in the lower picture this afternoon. He told me his taxidermist gave him a weight of 95lbs for it.(that picture just doesn't look that big and he said I should have been in on bringing it out of the swamp). :confused:
He will be getting it done in full body and just hasn't made up his mind what kind of position it ill be in.
He also had it in to the DNR today and they pulled 1 tooth for aging and a tissue sample for DNA.
I will try getting better pictures.
Day 7 NW 4 NE 6 EC (0) daily total 10 = 90 (11/09)
Sub total NW 40 NE 42 EC (8) Closed
Day 8 NW 7 NE 1 EC (0) daily total 8 = 98 (11/10)
Sub total NW 47 NE 43 EC (8) Closed
Day 9 NW 7 NE 5 EC (0 Closed 11/05 ) daily total 12 =110 (Nov/11)
Sub total NW 54 NE 48 EC (8)
Day 10 NW 4 NE 5. EC (0). Daily total. 9 = 119[/B
Sub total. NW 58. NE 53 EC (8)
Day 11 NW 1 NE. 1. EC (0). Daliy total. 2 = 121
Sub total. NW. 59. NE 54 EC (8)

However, I learned today (11/10) from the local Conservation officer when he stopped by the shack for coffee that one of the East Central registrations was a Coyote.
So feel free to deduct one even though the official count will show the Yote. :rolleyes:
This harvest is looking way better than I could imagine but their may be more Yotes and there could be some anti's that purchased a tag and registered. When I asked about that possibility, the CO said anyone not presenting a carcass for registration will be sited for failure to register.
That will be somewhere around $200.00 fine.
I sure hope that isn't happening.
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Updates from other State Wolf hunts

Wisconsin Wolf Hunting = 72 harvested to date

Idaho Wolf Hunting = 92 harvested to date

Montana is call in for stats 1-800-358-7826 = 56 harvested to date
2011 harvest summary http://fwp.mt.gov/fwpDoc.html?id=54831

Wyoming Wolf Hunting = 34 Managed units, 16 other areas = 50 harvested to date
Gray Wolf Mortality Hotline 1-800-264-1280
(numbers given on that hotline did not match the number in the news release) http://wgfd.wyo.gov/web2011/news-1001077.aspx
Rumor has it. Fur buyers all around MN are offering 800 for a licensed adult gray wolf harvested. Nice piece of change can be had for someone who has no need for a wall pelt.
That is a lot of money! I would have to see that to believe that. I was looking for prices earlier today and they were for sale all over for $350.00 and up to 6-7 C for a black, and those were all processed Alaskan.
But if its true, that would be nice.
The North East zone is closing tomorrow.
Daliy statistics

Every 5 days I loose my edit window so here are all the daily's.


Day 1 ZONE'S NW 12 NE 16 EC 4 daily total = 32 (11/03)

Day 2 NW 8 NE 6 EC 4 daily total 18 = 50 (11/04)
Sub total 20 22 8

Day 3 NW 10 NE 6 EC 0 daily total 16 = 66 (11/05)
Sub total 30 28 (8)Closed

Day 4 NW 3 NE 1 EC (0) daily total 4 = 70 (11/06)
Sub total 33 29 (8) Closed

Day 5 NW 1 NE 3 EC (0) daily total 4 = 74 (11/07)
Sub total NW 34 NE 32 EC (8) Closed

Day 6 NW 2 NE 4 EC (0) daily total 6 = 80 (11/08)
Sub total NW 36 NE 36 EC (8) Closed

Day 7 NW 4 NE 6 EC (0) daily total 10 = 90 (11/09)
Sub total NW 40 NE 42 EC (8) Closed

Day 8 NW 7 NE 1 EC (0) daily total 8 = 98 (11/10)
Sub total NW 47 NE 43 EC (8) Closed

Day 9 NW 7 NE 5 EC (0 ) daily total 12 =110 (Nov/11)
Sub total NW 54 NE 48 EC (8)

Day 10 NW 4 NE 5. EC (0). Daily total. 9 = 119 (Nov/12)
Sub total. NW 58. NE 53 EC (8)

Day 11 NW 1 NE. 1. EC (0). Daily total. 2 = 121 (Nov/13)
Sub total. NW. 59. NE 54 EC (8)

Day 12 NW 2 NE 3 EC (0) Daily total 5 = 126 (Nov/14)
Sub total NW 61 NE 57 EC (8)

Day 13 NW 1. NE 2. EC (0). daily total 4 = 131]/B]
Sub total. NW 62. NE 61 EC (8) (NE had two more registered by
By morning of the 17 th

Day 14 NW. 65 NE (0). EC (0) Daliy total. 4 = 135
Sub total NW 65. NE (61) EC (8)

Day 15 NW 71 NE (0) EC (0). Daliy total 6 = 141

Day 16 NW 78 NE (0) EC (0) Daliy total 6 = 147
Sub totals NW 78. NE 61 EC 8
Early season is now closed. Late season will open on Saturday.
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Hate mail received

The lucky hunter that bagged the nice black wolf that is pictured put a couple other pictures on the Internet and has had a batch of hate mail come in from those that for some unknown reason believe the Gray Wolf needs coddling.
He has also been contacted by Cabelas as they apparently are in the market for a first season trophy. There is some big money associated with this contact from what I hear from other members of the hunting camp.
Late Season Results

Nov 24,2012 Week 1 of 9
Day----NE Zone-----NW Zone-----EC Zone-----Daily tot----Season tot
1---------2=2 ----------3=3-----------0=0------------5-------------5
3---------1 =8----------1=11----------1=1------------3------------20
The results do not break down the trapping vs hunting results. I have a call in to the DNR looking for this, as I am more interested in the hunting results.
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2nd Season Week 2 results


Dec 1 Week 2
8--------2=22----------6=26-----------1=3------------9------------51= 198
14------1=30-----------7=43-----------0=4------------8------------77= 275

Dec 8 Week 3
Day----NE Zone-----NW Zone-----EC Zone----Daily tot----Season tot

As of 12/5/12 these are the counts from other states,
Wisconsin counts, 104 w/10 to go.

Idaho Counts, 113 Hunting, 5 Trapping (??) not great trapping results??

Wyoming Counts, 38 of 52 for Trophy, 19 registered in Predatory Zone

Montana is restricting calls from out of the area. Someone from Montana will have to post the tally if they would be so kind. Or PM me with the tally and I will post it.
1-800-358-7862 the recording will give out results for each unit and there are many. I had pen and pad ready when i found i could no longer connect.
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Not to start a stink but whats the point of hunting wolf? You can't eat em? Is it just for fun? Before someone says to control the population because wolves hunt ranchers animals keep in mind wolves diet is less than .01% of farm animals. Like I said not trying to start a fight by any means just never saw the point of hunting something like a wolf. Congrats on the success of your hunts though.
Week 3 Results

Day----NE Zone-----NW Zone-----EC Zone-------Daily -- Late Season Grand
Dec 8 Week 3 of 9 total total total
End of week 3 East Central zone Closed today and North East tomorrow.
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Week 4 Late Season

According to Dan Stark The MN DNR Larg carnivore specialist, on Dec 10th 97 wolves were taken, of this count hunters had taken 30 and Trappers took 67.
Now today i ran into a trapper while he was at a Wrestling meet that I was doing EMT duty at and when I asked him if he drew a tag he said he hadn't but 3 of his Children did. Of those three the 2 daughters got theirs and the son who was wrestling today hasn't had a chance to put out any sets.
Here is a picture of one of the lucky ladies, and the picture of the second should be here tomorrow.
This wolf had lost the lower part of the left hind leg. She told me it had healed very well and they believe it may have been from the 1st season.
And she said it smelled very bad! :rolleyes:

Day----NE Zone-----NW Zone-----EC Zone-----Daily tot----Season tot
25----(1)=58------- 3=85 -------------(0)-----------4--------=152
28th Day of the season NW Zone 6=100----------6--------=167-=314


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You people are unbelivable, hunting an animal that is engangered in most states and is threatened in your state. Whats the excuss "there are an estimated 1500 animals not what I would call over populated for the vast area they are found in. Even with permits this should not be allowed to go on. Look what happened to jaguars in Texas with permitted hunting.
An Englishman in Peru
Boa, as a "biologist" you should be more than familiar with population dynamics, particularly regarding predation. Once again, populations can sustain predation. Every single population, past or present, has dealt with predation. Hunting this animal, regulated in this way, will not decimate the current population. I think you need to go back and hit the books, buddy;)
Every single population, past or present, has dealt with predation. Hunting this animal, regulated in this way, will not decimate the current population.

I'm not sold on that. The listing of wolves was very politicized. We'll see in the next year or so whether it was a good idea.