Minnesota Media-The Dumb Continues


New member
I live in Minnesota and thought with all the discussions we’ve had on guns in the past and how these issues have come up again and again and again we wouldn’t have to be subjected to stuff in the media like the stuff I’m listing below. But I was wrong. The dumb continues.

1. On 2/15/18 on a radio station in the Twin Cities, FM107.1 Julia, the host of the ‘Lori and Julia’ show said about the Florida school shooting: "It's just the saddest thing ever. I hope, I hope we can do something---cause this young man had a machine gun---and um, that's not right."
Not only is it not right, it is not true. He did not have a machine gun.
2. On 2/20/18 on one radio show on one of the more respected stations in the Twin Cities a caller stated they had called Walmart, Fleet Farm and Gander Mountain and that all you needed to purchase a rifle or a shotgun in Minnesota was a Minnesota driver’s license, you don’t need a background check.
This is, of course, wrong. You DO need to go through a background check to purchase a rifle or a shotgun from Walmart, Fleet Farm and Gander Mountain. I was proud that the very next caller to the show corrected this ‘mis-statement’ and proud that the host let him do it.

3. On 3/9/18 on the Public TV Show ‘Almanac’ we got Dr. George Schoephoerster of the Minnesota Medical Association. He said on the show:
“Semi-automatic, military style, assault weapons---they have a unique damage and harm that they cause that makes us wonder about if we ought to look at specifically the weapons themselves. I was reading an article written by a radiologist just the other day that was published in the Atlantic about, he’s a radiologist, and one of the things he did was read the CT scans of some of the kids that came from the school in Florida and he talked about the difference between regular guns, in which you have a puncture wound, you can see the channel where the bullet goes, and an exit wound. But with these, once they get in, they shatter everything and it’s really a killing machine, it’s a weapon of war.
Dr. George Schoephoerster gets extra, extra points for including the phrases:
military style
assault weapons
killing machines
weapons of war

If only he could have included ‘nobody needs’ and ‘just one life’ and 'for the children' he would have been perfect. And by the way, as we all know here, the good doctor would not be able to tell if the bullets were fired from an M-16, an AR-15, a Mini-14 or a bolt action rifle. The bullets are not more or less lethal depending on the gun that fired them.

4. On the same Almanac show they had possible U.S. Senator candidate Richard Painter, former chief ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush Whitehouse, now a law school professor at the University of Minnesota. He said, "I think we definitely ought to background check, universal background checks. You shouldn’t be able to get around it by going and buying a gun at a gun show [or] ordering it in the mail. And with the assault weapons I think it would make sense certainly to require a license, we certainly ought to require the extent of the due diligence we have before giving someone a license to drive an automobile. And I think 21 is an appropriate age. The NRA just filed a suit down in Florida saying it’s unconstitutional to ban assault weapons for people under 21. I really think people under the age of 21 could get used to perhaps an ordinary rifle or handgun."
So Richard Painter thinks you can get around background checks by buying a gun through the mail? And he thinks the under 21 crowd could get used to perhaps an ordinary rifle or handgun? I don’t think I’m being too nit picky on this. This man is a law professor for goodness sakes and would like to be a U.S. Senator. I am not a lawyer nor do I claim to be one on the interwebs but I don't think buying a gun through the mail gets around the background check and I don't think the under 21 crowd can buy handguns.

Normally I like the statement that I think came from Ted Nugent, “I like it when people say stupid things. That way we know who the stupid people are.” But I’d really like this garbage to be corrected when it comes across our airwaves.
Ya can't fix stupid...........and arguing with them in their emotional state is like arguing with a pig, it solves nothing and annoys the pig
The talking heads !!!

Last week, I heard a female reporter state that they should abolish all 1815-assault rifles. What the heck is that??!!
Today they reported on the VA center shooting where a man had a rifle. Now there is a missed opportunity on current bashing. .... :rolleyes:

Then there is a high school in Harold, Texas that has allowed for armed staff, for the last ten years. Sadly the principal stated that a bad guy knows better than to come to his school. Hoping the far left missed that segment.. :rolleyes:

God bless and;
Be Safe !!!
In my limited experience, few lawyers or judges know the law. I guess the BAR exam can be scammed like any standardized test.

I think lawyers make up the law as they go, since juries are picked for a reason. I think judges are too lazy to look up the law, which is why they hire "clerks" (lawyers straight out of law school) to look up the law for them. Then they all get together and play golf.

Sad thing is, if a student of that (so-called) "professor" that clearly doesn't know federal law concerning handgun purchase age, spoke up in class, he'd probably get a bad grade, no matter how good his papers, and the college administration wouldn't give him a hearing.
In The Ten Ring said:
In my limited experience, few lawyers or judges know the law. I guess the BAR exam can be scammed like any standardized test.
And how was this "limited experience" of yours developed? Have you spent much time in a courtroom? Read many appellate transcripts? Or are you simply regurgitating what you've read on the internet?

In The Ten Ring said:
I think lawyers make up the law as they go, since juries are picked for a reason. I think judges are too lazy to look up the law, which is why they hire "clerks" (lawyers straight out of law school) to look up the law for them. Then they all get together and play golf.

Sad thing is, if a student of that (so-called) "professor" that clearly doesn't know federal law concerning handgun purchase age, spoke up in class, he'd probably get a bad grade, no matter how good his papers, and the college administration wouldn't give him a hearing.
On what do you base these preposterous allegations? Are you unaware that there are quite a few "career clerks" who serve as clerks for years, perhaps even decades? Have you ever been in a law school class to see what happens when one voices his or her opinion, or presents a correct citation of law? Or how that affects one's grade? Do you have the foggiest clue how jury selection works, or why lawyers pick particular juries?