Minnesota governor candidate platform plank? “Stop the NRA”


New member
So I’m in Minnesota and the DFL endorsed candidate for governor, Erin Murphy, has stated as one of her goals being to “Stop the NRA”.



Okay, “Stop the NRA”, from doing what exactly?
1. Publishing a 200 plus page report on making schools safer? (The NRA did this in 2012 after Sandy Hook.)
2. Lobbying Congress?
3. Printing “The American Rifleman”?
4. Running the Eddie Eagle gun safety classes?
5. Sponsoring various shooting tournaments?
6. Providing firearms instructional classes?

Probably a lot more things I'm missing.

I guess “Stop the NRA” is enough of a catch phrase if you’re a politician today.

Very sad.
The struggle is real up here. Out in rural MN the DFL is not the same party my grandparents and parents voted for, they have abandoned all family and church value when it comes holding a political seat. They always got mad at me for voting republican, they would be turning over in there grave these days. If not for the metro area and NE MN I don’t think it’d stand a chance, unfortunately Wisconsin won’t take our metro area and the Dakotas won’t take us, so we will contend with it like any other and vote republican.

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Politically speaking, the call to stop the NRA is
to counter its lobbying efforts (which apparently
include money funneled from the Kremlin).

I doubt Eddie Eagle is even on the radar of
anti-NRA proponents.
Politically speaking, the call to stop the NRA is
to counter its lobbying efforts (which apparently
include money funneled from the Kremlin).

There is zero evidence of money from the Kremlin being used in NRA lobbying efforts. There is evidence that the NRA received $2,512.85 in membership dues from Russian nationals OR members with Russian addresses. (Source: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/11/nra-russia-money-guns-516804).

Of course, the NRA using membership dues to lobby for any politician would be against its charter and against federal law; but even assuming that happened you’d have to believe that with a Clinton victory all but promised, the NRA went all in on law breaking to convey $2500 to a politician (or maybe they spread that around the 536 national politicians).
1. Publishing a 200 plus page report on making schools safer? (The NRA did this in 2012 after Sandy Hook.)
2. Lobbying Congress?
3. Printing “The American Rifleman”?
4. Running the Eddie Eagle gun safety classes?
5. Sponsoring various shooting tournaments?
6. Providing firearms instructional classes?

Those are all immoral in this age.
The NRA makes a very convenient bogey man for anti-gun politicians to use in conjuring up fear among their candidate base, and in attracting contributions to the campaign fund. They (neither the politicians nor their followers/sycophants) have any idea what the NRA is or stands for. All they know is that it involves GUNZ! so it must be evil, therefore it must be opposed.
Governors race. The Big dollar spender & demoncrat Murphy although being elected as a State Representative in 08 hasn't got a chance in he# winning the Governors seat. Many more people belong to the NRA in this State than all the constituents whom ever voted for Erin Murphy. She needs to be advised by those guiding her election running for such office (governor) _"it's a State wide vote._ Not just only her usual {confused} constituents involved from that dinky Ramsey 64A grid. i.e. Every MN residence has a say so this time.
Where are you guys getting this impression there's some kind of $2500 limit?
You can pretty much spend all you want through a political action committee and the NRA spent over $30 million in the last election using that and other methods.
I think you guys need to read up on the Citizens United Supreme court decision about campaign finance limits.
Where are you guys getting this impression there's some kind of $2500 limit?

the only place I'm seeing any mention of a $2500 limit is your question. What has been reported is this...

There is evidence that the NRA received $2,512.85 in membership dues from Russian nationals OR members with Russian addresses. (Source: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/...ey-guns-516804).

From what I can see, the $2500 isn't any kind of limit, its the amount of money the NRA got as dues that can be connected to ANYTHING Russian.

It's a mucked up mess, but personally, I find the ideas that $2500 of dues money is enough to influence a presidential election (assuming it even actually happened the way described) and the idea that Russia (whether the Russian government or just someone in Russia) trying to influence the election AGAINST Hillary to be just barking foolish...

I'm pretty sure a "Stop the NRA" slogan will play well to certain people. Also pretty sure it will automatically ensure other people will vote against anyone stupid enough to use a slogan like that. Might play in Mass, but in Minnesota??? I doubt it.
I've learned just a bit today, which is always a good thing.

The first two posts used "DFL" and I had to google around. Democratic-Farmer-Labor party.

Yes, a state-level political party. How very, well, Canadian. Except in Canada maybe it would spelled Labour. :D

Bart Noir
Just from that sound bite it sounds like Erin Murphy is just another socialist. Lets hit the catch phrases that will bring the snow flakes in.
I should probably clarify/explain something here.

The Republican or Democratic Farmer Labor(DFL (oh sure, NOW he explains what DFL means)) endorsement does NOT mean you will be the Republican or DFL candidate for office in the November election.

In MN we will have a primary election Tuesday, August 14 and THAT will decide who the Republican and the DFL. In MN it is definitely NOT a ‘given’ that the endorsed candidate will win the primary.

Erin (Stop the NRA) Murphy might be out of the Minnesota governor race Tuesday night.
Well Erin (Stop the NRA) Murphy, the Democratic Farmer Labor endorsed candidate for Minnesota Governor did NOT win the primary so the Democratic candidate will be Tim Walz.

At one time Walz got favorable ratings from the NRA but now he has reversed himself, will not accept any NRA money, has donated NRA money to charity and "Tim has long said that he’s open to an assault weapons ban, and he’s seen enough – we need a ban on military style assault rifles in Minnesota."

The Republican candidate for Minnesota Governor is Jeff Johnson. About guns Jeff Johnson says: "Self-defense is a fundamental individual right and creating new “gun control” restrictions on law-abiding citizens will only leave guns in the hands of criminals."

Guess we'll see what happens in November 2018.
I’ll put it this way. The NRA is the only organization with enough clout to defend us. The NRA will eventually loose. Every powerful political party is against our right to own guns. The only party that claims to be pro second amendment is only so so about supporting us; they merely patronizing us to get through the next election.
The most powerful corporations in the world are working against us to push a new system of government. We, as gun owners, are lumped in with everything else that is undesirable and socially unacceptable in these modern times. The people that have the power to protect all of our constitutional rights are just sitting on the sidelines and are letting our civil liberties be eroded. The patriots have taken a knee and are going to let it happen. It’s not really a fear; if you take a look around, you will see that we are well on our way to becoming another socioeconomic type of government and there’s just a few more pesky civil rights loose ends to trim.