

New member
I just saw them at Cabelas Catalog!
Do you have to specially modify your shotgun?
12ga only?
Gee, "CB" Cqaps for your 12ga!
Nothing new hear. We were playing with this stuff at F.S. Back in the mid '90s. Our primary Shotgun Instructor brought a bunch out to test.

We ran em in all manner of guns... No joy in anything except a dbl barrel. Believe it or not it would function my Benelli, wouldnt feed 100% though. Sometime the litte guy would reverse itself in the action. Same in pump guns

So once you take away the ability to stick a bunch in the mag tube of a pump/semi they kinda lose their appeal.
The "Mini's" are sorta neat!
I wonder if they'll ever make them in 20ga? Now that would be a great H/D Shotgun!
My only shock came from reading thatthe recoil was not less than a normal 12ga!
The additional rounds abord would be nice.
It's funny Aguilla must have a daring R&D dept! They make some contriversial loads and get em on the market fast! Now I see that Hertr's has a Mini load out too. Maybe the South American company IS a mover and shaker?
I'm gonna have to try some.