Mini-14 mags


New member
Hi, I'm brand new to this site. I've been lurking here for months and find you all to be wise and knowledgable folks.Tremendously enjoyable. I have a question. We all generally accept that USA mags are worthless, so what are some good mags for the Mini-14. I understand Precision mags are decent. Anybody know about Western mags? Any input would be helpful. Thanks!
The trend seems to be heading in the direction of original factory magazines for the Mini-14, thus the ever increasing prices for them. Both 20 and 30 round Ruger factory mags are now going for close to $100 each (new/unused). It is true that some after market magazines do feed without problems, however, factory magazines seem to rarely get these complaints.
I thought I had good luck with the UAS mags but a 30rd I have just started locking my action open every 3 or 4 rounds. I am going to try PMI or Thermomold.
Thanks for the information. I have heard that PMI mags were quality goods. Still no feedback on Westerns. Does Ruger make factory 10 round mags?
I just listed 5 blue 30 round pmi mags on
"auction arms" item # 868090354 There new in the factory bag and cheap.
I have successfully used USA mags in my mini, abiet with a little tweaking. The feed lips run very close to the bolt in the mini and sometimes you need to gently bend the lips (slightly) to provide adequate bolt to lip clearance. Sometimes I have had to squeeze the front end of the mag (just the portion that goes into the action) ever so slightly in a vise to get it to fit nicely in the gun. Another place to check is the fit between the mag pin in the rifle and the hole in the front of the mag. Once all is checked and OK, I have had no trouble with the USA mags (however I do prefer the PMI, it's just that I bought several USAs before I knew of PMI).
Had good luck with PMI and Federal.
Yes ruger has made 10round but only a few way back when and they cost more than their original 30's.

Search this forum for mini mags and you will see a lot of posts. Good luck
I had 5 brand new USA 30 rounders that I bought during the big mag scare of '94 and put away. I decided to test them out a while back and discovered, low and behold, the springs had no temper. I loaded them up full, and by the fifteenth round the spring was a piece of bailing wire. I'm very thankful my life did not depend on that garbage. I wrote the company a very nasty letter and sent it along with the mags. The mags were letter back with an appology...nothing. Just 5 new mags that I promptly disposed of post haste.
I will NEVER have anything to do with a USA brand mag again that doesn't involve a BF hammer, and a rock to smash them on.
You might want to buy a couple just to set up down's all they are good for....expensive targets. My 2 cents.
Good luck finding decent mags for a MINI.
Hell of a good rifle!

"Keep your head down and your powder dry"
I found that Ruger or PMI magazines worked fine (Rugers always, PMIs after adjusting the feed lips).

USA magazines would "work"...until I loaded them which spread the top of the magazine and wouldn't let the bolt go over them. Same mags would feed two or three rounds at the time - one into the chamber, two out of the ejection port! The metal on them is so thin that fixing the malfunctions will re-occur at a later dat, guaranteed. Junk.

Ruger could make a real killing on 10-round reliable mags along the lines of their original 30s or Thermolds...but they seem to be unwilling to make their own product more desirable. Ack! I do not own a Mini14 anymore...
Anyone interested in P.M.I mags I've got them. 30 and 40 blue and stainless $35 to $45.