Mini-14 Mags - Which Work?


New member
I bought a mini-14 this week and a trip to a gun show for 20 and 30 round mags only turned up stuff from Western Metal Products and Tripple K. Ruger and Precision (except for 40 rounders) were just not available.

I picked up a couple of WMP ($14) and they barely fit. My question is are the Tripple K any better than the WMP? Also are the 40 rd ($35-40) Precision any good?
I have used the USA brand 30 round magazines without any problems.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

A general rule of thumb is that the longer a mag is, the more chances of it not working well. (All of my 10 rounders from USA work well. The USA 20 - 30 rounders are usually garbage.) I personally stick with the 20 rounders from Precision. The other manufacturer's mags are hit or miss. For every USA/Triple K/No Name type mag that works well, another one is garbage. Most people just buy a few and expect some of them to not work. You pay your money...


PS Generally, the three best types are: Ruger factory, Madsen, and Precision. Stick with those and you'll be okay.
I have used Precision 30 round stainless mags for my Mini-14 without any problems. On two of them, I had them loaded for over a year before I took them to the range. All the rounds stripped out without a one problem. IMHO, if you can find 30 round precision mags, buy 'em.

Scott Weaver
Thanks for your input folks! I'd love to find a couple of new-in-box Precision 20 and 30 rounders but they've gotten rare as hen's teeth around here. Like I said the ONLY Precision mags at the show were 40rd, and they just aren't what I want. Anyway there should be 2 or 3 more shows this year before the show bans take effect and I'll try again then.

I'd still like any insights about Tripple K vs WMP. Also can somebody recomend a high quality politically correct 10 round mag for the rifle range?
I've had good luck with 30-rounders Thermold and 20/30 rounders PMI. I heard from a really good friend of mine that Mason magazines are also extremely reliable.

I have a 30 rd thermold (mini 14)in good condition that I would like to sell for $30 delivered. Drop me an Email soon if interested.
I also recently purchased amini 14. I have had good luck with pmi mags for it.I have 30/40s all work great. I recently ordered 4 20 round scherer mags SPelling may be wrong. i ahve read several article which said these were the best of the mini mags and the only ones which whrer heat treated.

My local gunsmith also told me this and said if he had to rate the mags it would be the schere mags first,then the pmi in a close second.