Mini 14 hicaps


New member
Anyone have experience with Triple K Brand 30 round mags for a Mini? Local gunshop has them for $30, new.


Here's what you need to do:

1) Go to to your local shop and buy 12 of those magazines.

2) Send them to me. I will test them for you and send half of them back to you with a full report of how much fun I had at the range testing the magazines with my Mini-14!

What are you waiting for? I've got beige paper with red dots that need to be shot! (That red thing might be contagious, I don't want to put my Blue Press at risk.;))
Seriously, I bought a few just because I wasn't sure I was going to be able to find anything better. The quality of the ones I bought was extremely poor. There were large sharp burrs on the opening and feedlips, and the business end was so deformed that it would not drop free. Now as a former toolmaker and special machine builder (15 years) I think I might be able to fix one, but it's iffy. Also the last time I checked (about 6 months ago) the going rate was about $15, of course things change.

There are still a very few Precision mags left out there. These are nearly as good as the factory mags.

Good luck!
Thanks for the responses, guys. I'll keep my eyes open for the precision mags, but I think I will try one of the Triples for grins. If it works, cool, if not - no real harm.
While at the range/shop testing the Triple K mag, I noticed a box of misc mags behind the counter. Went through it and found 2 Mini-14 hi caps that were unmarked but of noticeably higher quality - straight seams, good welds, better followers, thicker metal (sturdier)- sealed in unmarked plastic bags. Bought them for 29.95 each, they fit and function like originals (which I compared them to from an LE only Mini). Could these be Precisions?
awoid ramline clear 30 rders for mini, i bought 5 of them from a catalog was not worh the price, at the range the folover kept poping out from the mag, it got scrached up prety badly and wears out quickly
precision rule but rare, find them buy them, i bought 10 Viktor mags from Tapco the mags might not be prety but sturdy and perforemed ok not great 100% but ok paid 15$ a pice worth the price,
if anyone used the 90rd drum for the mini post your results
It's possible that someone repackaged them, but all of the Precision mags that I've seen were in clear, marked bags.

These mags are literally identical to the Ruger hi-caps I've seen except they have NO markings anywhere. They fit and work perfectly. I was just curious as to what they were...(shrug)

I have seen a very, very few mags that were absolutely identical to the Ruger factory mags. Not "similar," but identical -- every weld, every fold, the casting marks on the underside of the follower, everything. Either Ruger (or its subcontractor) made some without stamping them, or the sub sold some on the side. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else who's seen any of these.
My own suspicions is that PMI (Precision) made the hi-caps for Ruger. Ruger never made their own mags (they even subcontract out for the 5 rounders), but never fessed up to who did.