Mini-14 and Aftermarket Mags


New member
I finally had the chance to test my Mini-14 (plain blue) with some aftermarket mags (2 20-rounders from CheaperThanDirt and 2 30-rounders from PMI).

They all worked fine (even the one PMI 30-rounder that does not have a lock hole in the front top portion of the mag).

However, occassionally, when I release the mags (which do not drop free), the bolt slammed shut upon taking the mags out.

Would this be a problem, mechanically or tactically?


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
After market mags which do not meet Ruger specs. Ruger uses gauges to check the width of the magazine body, length, width of the lips, etc. With after market, there are no assurances that the aftermarket maker follows the same or similar quality control measures.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Do search on this forum there is plenty of talk about mini mags.

I use pmi, federal, and original recipe. They all work ok. I had pmi without the hole took it back to gun show next day for exchange, just check follower at top with your fingers to make sure it will move up and down without catching.
Try pushing down on the bolt hold open button before you remove the mag to keep the bolt from slamming shut. I find it is easier to lock the mag in place when the bolt is open because I can see and engage the front pin in the mag hole first, then push up the rear of the mag until it locks in place. I have used PMIs and USAs successfully. Only thing is that sometimes the feed lips on the USAs need to be tweaked just a little to clear the bolt and sometimes I squeeze the front portion of the mag just a little in a vise to give a better fit in the rifle. PMIs seem to drop free, USAs don't.