Mini 14-30 mag Q's once and for all.....please?


New member
The search for high capacity quality mags for this rifle keeps popping up on this and other forums.

In my attempt to get clear and definitive answers on which companies make top notch goods I hear conflicting reports and am left confused more often than not.

I am also a bit confused on the issue of magazine jam problems,I realize that even one single jam can be the difference between life and death but I would like your opinions what you consider to be the difference between high- medium-and low quality mags.

In other words using a 10, 20 or 30 round clip how often should one expect to experience a jam problem with some of the lower end products?How about the medium and high end stuff?

Is their a big difference? Is some of this stuff just plain useless?Are there any particular brands that you would feel "reasonably" safe with if you had to count on them?are there any brands that should be avoided at all costs?

Please share your personal experiences on your search for the best Mini mags and fill me in!

By the way, I know this subject has been beaten half to death, so why don't we as members of the ultimate firearms knowledge base finish beating it to death and send it to the archives once and for all?

I thank you all,god bless

About 3 weeks ago I ordered 5 John Masen 10 round magazines from the internet. I forget the company. I used them all over the weekend and only 1 of the 5 did not jamb. The rest were garbage :mad:

I look forward to you getting an answer here. I've been really disappointed in my search.


Please define "garbage",How much did you pay?......How often did they jam? Did they even fit?

This is MY opinion, so take it for what it's worth ;)

The best mags are the Ruger factory mags. But since Ruger never sold these to civilians, they are scarce and expensive.

I only buy PMI mags. The five I have are flawless. Many people think that PMI actually was the manufacturer of many of the Ruger factory mags.

I only buy 20 round Mini-14 mags. I think that 20 round mags are more likely to work than 30 and 40 rounders. If you have to buy no-name mags, I say stick with the 10 rounders. I think they are less likely to malfunction than the 20, 30, and 40 rounders. I have a couple of 10 round no-name mags that work great.
I spoke to Claudia at John Mansen on Wednesday. She admitted that they are still having problems with the new tooling. She says she will have a new batch soon that should work. I was impressed by her honesty and she said that they would stand behind the product until it works.

The socialists don't even have to ban your gun. They can just ban the magazine. Gets you the same result. When is super-President Bush going to overturn the AWB? Remember how happy we were when he won? 3 years left. I am waiting...
Well John Masen 30rnd are my favorites followed by Fed.Ord.(PMI)Then some USA 40rnd stainless. I never hear to many people mention Masen 30rnd mags. They work as well as PMI's, but I have'nt seen any for sale in years. I don't have any 10rnd mags so I can't comment on them. I hear good reviews on Eagle brand mags and also thermolds, but have'nt used either one.
I have both - want 'em

I have 2 Masen 30's and 2 PMI 30's new in wrap - I will sell them all if interested as I am selling my Mini to buy a new bolt gun.JKC