Mindset of grandmother who defeats two armed robbers in shootout


One of two things that come to my mind concerning this incident is the importance of mindset.

She just had a mindset that allowed her to persist and prevail where she was outnumbered, outgunned and where the assailants not only had the drop on her but fired first.


The other thing that this episode does is reinforce my theory that a DGU by a citizen almost always results in no bad guys remaining at large for very long.

The one assailant was wounded and taken into custody, and probably ratted out his partner whom police are looking for now...
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The first sentence sums it up perfectly:
Early Saturday, Lulu C. said, "I thought I was going to die" -- and she wanted to take someone with her.
Hello C0untZer0,,,

The other thing that this episode does is reinforce my theroy that a DGU by a citizen almost always results in no bad guys remaining at large for very long.

Whatinnaheck does DGU mean?

Good for her!


^ This is the thing though, I can't fault it cuz it worked fo her - obviously, but it's kind of a fatlistic mindset.

I would think it would be more effective to think along the lines of "I knew I had to survive, my children need me... I wasn't going to let them kill me..." Something like that.

Maybe what's key in a mindset is not so much the will to survive, but some mode of thinking that allows you to remain functional in life and death situations...

I don't know.

DGU = Defensive Gun Use
Simply amazing.

What a great mindset. Being a convenience store owner she was prepared by carrying a gun and had obviously thought through the possibility of having to use it. ..I'm going to take some of them with me!

Out numbered. Out gunned. Ambushed. But she kept her cool, fought back and prevailed. Remarkable and an inspiration.
Tough woman.

Not really relevant to the thread as a whole, but amusing anyway:

She said there was a second man standing in front of her car, illuminated by her high beams. He was also wielding a .48 caliber gun.

I somehow doubt that it's a .480 Ruger. Gathering accurate, concise info and proofreading is a lost art in the journalism community.
Bravo for that woman. The story shows the importance of being mentally prepared and having a gun ready when needed.
I am glad to hear that not only did the woman survive uninjured, she fought back. One suspect was hit, and caught, the other it is only a matter of time before it catches up him as well.

She not only had the gun. She had the instincts to pull the trigger when it mattered the most.
The other thing that this episode does is reinforce my theory that a DGU by a citizen almost always results in no bad guys remaining at large for very long.

Agreed. Predators want easy prey. Granny most certainly was not that.
She not only had the gun. She had the instincts to pull the trigger when it mattered the most.

And the instinct to duck when she saw the BG's finger was pulling the trigger on her.
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I think this also speaks to the unpreparedness of the typical gun-wielding criminal. They fired rounds numbering the double digits and did not hit her... how many of us would be satisfied with that?

Not that I think all CCL holders or legal gun-owners are crack shots, but those of us who out thought and energy into defensive shooting tend to care enough to work on being accurate. That stands heavily in our favor.

It seems that more often than not, those who wield a gun in a crime see it as a magic force that will make them successful, where we see a gun as a tool that is there if/when we need it. There are, of course, exceptions on their side as well... some criminals are excellent shots, which we also need to be aware of (and really, we should assume).
Following is my posting on DICUS:

What we need is more Pistol Packin Mamas. Go granny.

The perps thought she was an easy target. She had the will to survive and did.
She just had a mindset that allowed her to persist and prevail where she was outnumbered, outgunned and where the assailants not only had the drop on her but fired first.

Mind set is fine, but opening fire on her attackers because she was in fear of her life is what carried the day.

Yes, I know, minset and actually fighting are very closely related, but the term seems to be a catch all phrase for anytime the good guy wins. People oftern fight back when their lives are on the line on pure adrenaline more so than mindset. Then again, some might claim that fear produces the right mindset. The pyschologic vs. physical argument and how they intertwine is a complicated subject---like mindset vs. physical action.

Just my thoughts on the matter.:cool:
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I know there are some authors who advocate certain attitudes or ways of thinking.

I guess my point is that anything that keeps your mind from freezing up with overload and keeps you functioning is good. Any thought process, attitude, emotion or "mindset" that allows you to keep functioning is good - at least for survival.

This lady had a gun pointed at her, was shot at, returned fire - hitting one of her assailants, spotted a second attacker opening fire on her, ducked while the second attacker sent a round through her windshield and put 8 rounds into the front of her car, popped back up and returned fire!

I don't know any experts/authorities/SD authors who say "Just resign yourself to the fact that you're going to die and try to take as many with you as you can." :D

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