Milt Sparks' Versa Max 2 vs Fists' Secret System 2


New member
Does anyone have experience with these holsters? I need the ability to tuck my shirt in and these two are available. I can only buy one or my wife will kill me. Ak9 pointed me towards the VM2 which at this time seems to be my best choice.

Any recommendations? I am 5' 8" and 175. i normally carry a Kimber Ultra elite but would like to also carry a Kimber Pro Carry or a Colt Light Weight Commander.

Any advice would be helpful.

I apologize if this post needs to be in the gear section but it seems more people come here.


Vee, I have the FIST Secret System II for a Kahr K9. In this mode of carry the K9 is as large a pistol that I could comfortably carry. I'm about your size, 5'9" and 175, and feel that a 1911 type pistol, with a full size frame would be, at best, uncomfortable. Even with the K9 I have to dress to conceal the gun, which means loose fitting pleated trousers and a full cut shirt. Hope this helps.. BTW, I'm very pleased with the Secret System, It's very well made and the leather is a beautiful deep tan. Hope this helps with your decision. Mark/Fl
I recently bought a VM2 for the same reasons; wanted to be able to tuck shirt in. Have tried it a few times and came to the conclusion that I would need about 3 more sets of arms to be able to put the holster on and tuck my shirt into the thing. In my opinion the kydex clips are a bit too stiff and you cant get your shirt in under them without someone else holding the slot open for you. Maybe with more practice or use they woud loose up, but I doubt it. Practice would probably help more than plastic fatigue. Aside from that the holster is incredibly comortable for me atleast. With the snaps spread out the gun sits really still, no tipping forwards or backwards. Also, with the back snap being behind the centerline of the gun, it really tucks the grip into your side and makes it less likely to print. Sorry for babbling.
Mark, TAZ,

Thank you for your insight into the holsters. You both provided some food for thought. I jut wish I could try them before I had to decide.

Mark--if you read this, please comment on the ease of use as it compares to TAZ comments.

You both were a great help.


vee, the January 2000 GunWorld magazine has a spread on iwb tuckable holsters. Check it out. It might give you some more ideas. Taz is right on with his comments about the VM2. I found that if I put a little shirt material between the clips before fastening the waist and then adjusting the shirt it worked better for me, but you have to want to tuck it bad. Good news is it ain't cummin' out neither for nuttin until you jerk on it real hard.

Thank you for the information about the GunWorld magazine. I will check it out. Thank you for the comments on the tuckability of the shirt. In my situation, I need to be able to took it in.

I must admit--this has become a hard decision.

Vee, Yea it takes some practice to get the shirt tucked properly to avoid looking like a slob. After several uses of the holster it becomes easier to tuck the shirt. The holster itself isn't uncomfortable, but you know it's there. I also wouldn't advise any rapid bending movements from the waist as you would surely know you have a piece of steel in there. Although I do use the SSII I don't use it on a regulat basis. I usually only wear that holster in a situation where I can't conceal a gun using any other method.. Usually when I have to wear business clothing without a jacket or coat. Otherwise I carry in a IWB holster with a cover garmet. Mark / FL

Thanks for the details on the SSII. As I noted, I need a tuckable IWB holster that will serve me on a daily basis. I do not know anyone who uses a IWB holster. Thus, all you guys have been helpful in providing me insight into the pros and cons.


I have 2 VM2's and no longer wear anything else for IWB. It takes a little practice, but once you get it, it's really easy to tuck. I use the VM2 daily without any complaints.

Thank you for your comments on the VM2. What do you normally wear? (Shirt, shirt and coat,) I would like to know the limitations to the holster. Does it bulge, pull or make a gap?

AK9, could you send me a copy of the article in Gunworld? I would be happy to reimburse you your copying and postage expenses. You can email me at Thanks.

faiello, tried several time to e-mail you, but it won't go through. I have the article. how would you like it sent? or if if that is not what you want the holsters featured are the tuckable texican by derry gallagher, mitch rosen workman, and galco deepcover quick synopsis- talks about the use of the hackathorn rip (grabbing shirt and pulling up toward the armpit). give rosen credit for coming up with the iwb tuckable with his slimline tuckable workman. worked well for authors s&w 640 .357. holster treated to resist moisture and retain shape which it does very well. good tight fit. next was the rough side out horsehide galco deepcover. rough side out helps keep hoster in place. uses a j hook device which clips under the belt to keep in place during draw. has channels for sight sewn in. excellnt quality. prefect for glock 27 although not extensively hardmolded to his pistol. last was the gallagher. liked the wide spread adjustable design which provided additonal stability and reducing bulk. uses a resin to resist moisture (derry is from south texas so he knows about moisture) and maintain shape and pistol retention. all holsters hand fitted and "boned to perfection". uses for his defender. excellent job of pistol out of sight. draws smooth and easy. says tuckables are not first choice, but good alternative when shirt or vest wear not accepatble. "choose the right holster/handgun combination and carry tucked is quite viable." Carry Gear by D.K. Pridgen
AK9. I would like a copy of the article. I was unable to locate the magazine. Email me and I will send you my address.
