Milsurp deals long gone?


New member
I was on youtube today and in the corner I saw a video of an 1895 Nagant revolver by Sootch00, so I had to watch it. At the end of the video Sootch said something to the effect that imports of Nagant revolvers were being sold for under $200 by retailers, yet he could only find them on gunbroker and other auction sites for $300 and that once the retailers supply runs out, they're gone for good.

Everything he said is what I and others have had to endure the past several years.

What I'd like to know is there likely to be a wave of Russian milsurp guns coming in the future now that we have a more... Russian friendly White House?

If it's not Russian arms, what about all those WW2 era guns in South Korea? When are those going to hit retailers in the US?

Then, what about sleeper milsurp guns that people are overlooking that are readily available today for good prices? I know that Makarovs and Tokarevs are still pretty low compared to other stuff.
I am not aware of any.

There are some great deals out there on LE trade-in pistols in .40 cal. You see Sig Sauer in either P226 or P229 for around 3 to 4 hundred and others like Beretta's and S&W's for about the same or even less still on GunBroker and a few other internet dealers.

S&W Model 10 revolvers are beginning to go up over the 3 to 4 hundred mark in OK condition.

By the time you buy an old military bolt or semi rifle and do the work to update them into a sporterized version, it will cost you less to buy a new rifle.

I have read new Savage and Mossberg bolt actions scope ready can be purchased for less than a milsurp rifle.
"...all those WW2 era guns in South Korea..." King Obama banned their re-importation by Presidential Decree in 2013. The rifles and carbines are reported to be in poor condition as well.
Clinton and Obama both worked deals with the Russians to curtail importing Warsaw Pact surplus stuff too.
In any case, the days of their being all kinds of milsurp stuff hiding in warehouses in Europe and SEA are long gone. The Third World Debating Club has stopped the widespread sale of small arms too. They don't want American civilians getting the stuff they want for their Armies.
The only W.W. II rifle variation that has been new made since the end of the Korean War is the No. 2/2A Lee-Enfield by India in the mid 60's. Everything else has not been made since the early 50's or earlier. Milsurp stuff has always been in finite supply.
"...update them into a sporterised version..." That drops the thing's value by half. Sporterizing isn't an "update" either.
I agree with "sporterizing" military arms being a waste; it defeats the purpose and collectibility of it. If I want a value/budget gun that's a good shooter the modern guns are a better choice.

I guess milsurp deals are long gone.
Nagant revolvers are a very unique item...

For years, they were under $100. Took odd ammo, but there were conversion cylinders out there for them (I had one, but returned it to seller when I had issues with it functioning... and didn’t want to modify it; worked on three or four chambers but others didn’t lock). Nobody really wanted them, until that rush on guns after Newtown. We already had Obama in office, so ARs were definitely going to be on the list. A few days after the shooting, I ordered a Yugo Tokarev (surplus), a Nagant revolver, and a can of ammo for each. Within a month or two, everything gun related was pretty much sold out.

Cans were in the $350 to $375 range... but remember, they were 1,000+ rounds. Nagant ammo was Russian, as I don’t think there were other nationalities regularly available. Tokarev was Polish.

The Tokarev was a whopping $220. Don’t remember, but think that was without hand select. The Nagant was $120... with the hand select fee ($10). It got me a 1940 Tula, which looked brand new (plastic grips). Surplus Yugo Tokarevs aren’t that available, but what is worst is the surplus magazines (because they are different; nine rounders instead of the original eight round pattern). It is good they make the gun/magazines currently, but actually Yugo surplus has dried up. The Nagants, you can find them... in the $200 to $300 range.

The Nagant is a ok revolver, but not on my list of favorite shooters. Works, but the gun isn’t that accurate. The only reason I don’t sell mine is the fact that if I do, I can’t find a replacement easily. I’ll never get another at a similar price, so I likely won’t buy one. I own it because it is very unique, especially with the gas seal system. What were the Russians thinking? And with that, they were issued from the last years of the 1800s, all the way to security positions in the 1990s. A lot of history... even if it is mostly shooting the traitor Ivan in the back of the head from within his cell.
I bought my Nagant on an impulse. I was shocked by how great it looked, since it was 2 years older than my mother, who was in her 80's. I shot it once, cleaned it and put it away. I took it out a while back to wipe down and it's looks still impress me, like they do on my older yet Moisin-Nagant that is almost 100 years old.
Yeah, the two foreign nations that continue to impress me with their military and, at times, civilian firearms are England and Russia/Soviet Union. Their looks tend to hold up, but on top of that, their looks are very unique and the designs are sensible, unlike other nations *cough* France *cough*
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The CMP will be importing, if not already the Philippine loaned Garands and Carbines. To purchase one when they finally do go up for sale one has to be a CMP member. After that they'll be available at inflated Gunbroker prices online and at Fun shows.
Then you have the remaining stocks "10K" of Army M1911's which have been authorized for transfer to the CMP.
This will all hit the market eventually. Other then that it's not looking too good as far as imports. Most of what we were getting "Mosin Nagant rifles, Spam cans of 7.62=54r" was out of the Ukraine but since Civil war broke out there we can kiss that goodbye.