million round march...


New member
here is an idea for an effort
what about a web based, fax mediated turkey shoot?

post a target file on a site
people download, print out and take a kid shooting

10 rounds per target

all targets get faxed to a central location (GOA?)
random draw for 100 winners out of all bullseye targets

all targets are bundled up and presented to Congress at a media event
ever see a stack of 100,000 targets?

maybe even make the event AR 15 specific...
what a sporting use for an AR?
who would of thunk it?

there would need to be an entry fee
to pay for the fax machines that will give up their toner for the cause

doc Zox

will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?
I think you need to mail that idea to NRA and GOA. If nothing else, a lot of new kids will learn how to shoot responsibly. I don't have an AR-I've never even fired one, so I vote *no* on making it gun specific.
I think that's a great idea, but also believe it should not specify any gun. At first I thought, well, at least semi-automatics, but that would narrow the field too much and, perhaps indicate a division within the ranks.

It might be that GOA or anybody else could set up something where you could electronically donate (credit card) or pledge a donation to cover the faxing.

I'll pass this on to GOA. Will somebody let the NRA know?

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.