Million Mom March

Miss Demeanors

New member
*sigh* another organization asking for gun control. Here is the link to their website. I encourage everyone to write, especially moms.

This is what I wrote, I could have done a little better but my time is cut short today.

After visiting your website, I, as a Mother, have a terrific suggestion on who should get the 'Time out award'. I think that all the members of the Million Mom March should get the time out award, with good reason and I hope you will continue to read on. You stated in your website the following:

dedicated to the mission of educating our children
and our country about the life-threatening danger
of guns.

* You are not educating our children by scaring them and teaching them that guns are bad. Why not educate them on gun safety? Instead of teaching them all the cons of guns how about some of the pro's? The NRA has an excellent program called Eagle Eddie, why not show our children this video? This video teaches young children not to touch a gun if found, it does not teach them to pick up a gun and shoot classmates. Education is a key factor.

Although simplistic and seemingly self-evident,
this mission is in direct conflict with a powerful,
heavily financed, cultural and political juggernaut,
which justifies misuse of guns with, references to
freedom, liberty and the American Dream.

*I have yet to see one 'heavily financed' organization justify misuse of guns. That simply is not true.

We, the mothers, know that life is the first
inalienable right promised by our Constitution. Our
children's lives far outweigh the right for just
anyone, especially juveniles, to carry a
semi-automatic assault weapon or Saturday night

While we acknowledge that guns may be
necessary for hunting, law enforcement, and
national security, the proliferation of firearms
intended for one purpose only - killing another
human being - has become untenable.

*Yes, we the mothers, do know that the right to protect ourselves and our children is protected by the Constitution. Our childrens lives ARE the reason for this right. It is already illegal for a juvenile to carry any type of gun, whether it be a hangun or a rifle. You have acknowledged that guns are necessary for hunting, law enforcement, and national security, yet you have not acknowledged they are also necessary for the people of the United States to protect theirselves and their families. Yes, when one is behind a firearm it does have a purpose, to protect, and that does sometimes result in death, but at the same time it is not an innocent life that is being taken away, it is a criminal who wanted to take an innocent life away.

We believe that it is only common sense that
sensible "cooling off" periods and extensive
background checks be required of any individual
who wants to purchase from any person or place
weapons intended only for killing or injuring

*Great! Why don't you start with the black market seeing that this law already exists.

We call on Congress to require all handgun owners
to be licensed and that they be required to
register their weapons with the proper authorities.
It makes sense.

*They do register their weapons with proper authorities, its called a FFL.

Guns, like every other consumer product sold in
America, have to meet minimum safety standards.
Gun manufacturers should have to design guns
with locks built in, and with other common-sense
devices like loaded-chamber indicators and

*Many guns already do come with a child proof lock. It is up to the parent whether or not he/she choses to use it. Requiring this lock to be mandatory is not fair to those who have no children in their home. If a criminal enters your home you can not tell them to wait just a minute while you go undo the safety lock. Many responsible parents already have their guns locked up and do have a lock on it. It should be a choice, not mandatory.

We believe that it is only common sense to end
straw purchase transactions where individual who
may legally purchase a firearm is hired to
purchase firearms for Gun traffickers. These guns
are sold on the illegal market and eventually wind
up on our nation's streets, killing our kids.

*Just because someone wants to purchase more than one handgun a month does not mean they are gun traffickers. This will solve nothing. I believe that if someone is caught purchasing firearms just to sell illegally then they should be put in jail and throw away the key. Yes, the guns that are coming off of the illegal market is where the problem is, why dont you fight that instead of trying to take away law abiding citizens rights?

We call on all officers of the law to assume a
no-nonsense approach in enforcing existing gun
laws and to join us in our mutual crusade for
stronger legislation.

*This I agree with you 100% as all law abiding gun owners would also.

We call on all child-friendly, nonviolent stores,
companies, and corporations to sponsor us in
these pursuits by advertising our message that
guns -- in the wrong hands - is simply
unacceptable. We call on the like minded to work
with community law enforcement agencies to
offer swaps of meaningful goods and services for
guns. And that the guns be destroyed by the
proper authorities. In turn, we, the mothers, will
patronize all child-friendly, nonviolent sponsors
who join us in this mission.

*True, guns in the wrong hands is what we need to crack down on. Why must they be destroyed though? What is that going to solve? How about donating those guns to less fortunate citizens that also have a right to protect themselves, provided they are given a gun safety course first?

Our aim is to recruit - from all walks of life -
mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers,
godmothers, foster mothers, future mothers, and
all others willing to be "honorary mothers" in this
crusade. Our goal is to educate and mobilize the
mothers of America to this cause. Our
commitment as voting citizens is to realize our
goals by Mothers' Day, 2000.

*I, and many other mothers across the United States are 'honorary mothers'. We chose to protect ourselves and our families, that is the true meaning of honorary. I do not like the gun violence either, I think we need to enforce the laws that already exist. My goal is also to educate, educate mothers like the ones in MMM about guns and gun safety. You are getting your facts from others that are not educated about firearms, and from those who merely see the Constitution as a piece of paper with no meaning. The 2nd amendment was written for a reason, so that we the people of the United States can protect ourselves and our families without government intervention, until the end of time. IF you take that right away then you are only endangering your yourselves, your children, my children, and all other future citizens of the United States.

You stand by your guns, Mr. Delay. Come Mothers' Day, we mothers will stand together on the mall of Capitol Hill to remind your PRO-GUN House
that on Election Day, the voters will stand by our children.

*Thats right! We, the voters, will stand by our children and fight to keep our RKBA. I am going to protect my child any way possible are you? If anyone deserves an 'apple pie award' it should be the mothers that are firearm educated.

Sandy *****
Miss D. A huge jump from an anti gunner to a pro-gun activist.

Sandy, we are proud of you.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Miss Demeanors, I doubt that I could have done any better than what you did. And I have been practising for a year now.And you were pressed for time to boot. I'm impressed.
Well done, you told then what they needed,
in my opinion, to hear.
TFL and Conn.CAN opperater
To join CAN for free email
thanks, TFL
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We believe that it is only common sense to end
straw purchase transactions where individual who
may legally purchase a firearm is hired to
purchase firearms for Gun traffickers. These guns
are sold on the illegal market and eventually wind
up on our nation's streets, killing our kids. [/quote]

Mark Manes, the 22 year old that supplied the Tec 9 used in Columbine to kill 4 students (The number attributed to the Tec 9 alone was verified by lab tests) was sentenced last Friday. He was given 6 years. He will be up for parole in 2 1/2 years.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited November 19, 1999).]
It's a simple solution:
Educate these moms about the laws we have in place. Then let them see for them selves that bad guys dont care about the laws.

The problem is people are very resistant to education.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I think you will have to go emotional with these people. Anti-gunners, especially women, aren't going to respond to logic. We're going to need some images like those chalk outlines, maybe ketchup-splattered, titled "unarmed victim" to get our point across.

I wish to Hell we could find and hire some disillusioned anti-gun ad people. They seem to have a genius in coming up with emotional catch-phrases or images.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.