David Wright

New member
Well, my wife and I just finished watching CBS's lastest nonsense on gun control. Junk food for your mind , ya know.

I won't insult you with what these "two concerned mothers" had to say about gun control. Their arguments had no basis in fact.

My wife says it best. These women definitely enforce the belief that soccer moms listen to their heart(fear), not their head. No wonder Clinton was re-elected.

As soon as the websight is up, my wife is going to e-mail them a "wake up call".

Glad she is not sending it to me!

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
The dumbed down soccer moms and the many other ignorant American woman probably far outnumber the few intelligent American woman left in this country. This may be a "broad" statement to make but most of the anitigunners are females or the females do dominate the antigun movement in this country. We have become a matriarchial nation :controlled and dominated by out of control females who bow down before the government gods and who have let their children into the hands of the beast state system. I would like to see these femanazis all deported and replaced with some good foreign female stock. This is truly a mob democracy and it sure wouldnt surprise me to see a million of these idiotic American soccer mom broads in the streets of DC. To be blunt, what can anyone say good about these idiotic American females? Give them all one way tickets out of the country and bring in some decent woman to replace them. But what country in its right mind would want these out of control females?
Sounds like your wife might want to send a letter to each of the sponsor listed on this websites pages. might be more affected by several angry letters from women than the MMMer's who state clearly in their "manifesto" that they aren't interested in hearing from women who are pro-gun: <i>Please be advised it is not our goal to recruit those staunchly opposed to more gun control. If the blood of the thousands of children killed and maimed each year by guns is not enough to convince them, then there is very little that you can do to change their minds.</i>

Of course we can all breath a sigh of relief here because these "mom's way or no way" zealots aren't really interested in getting rid of guns ... they just want to get rid of the kind of guns that are capable of killing people...


[This message has been edited by rod (edited September 06, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by rod (edited September 06, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by rod (edited September 06, 1999).]
Good farm-raised breeding stock, huh Ivan? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I know that these anti-moms are not using their head, but are leading with their heart. If just one logical thought would pass thru their little soccer ball heads, they would see that gun confiscation would be an even bigger inroad to more violence against women who would then not be able to offer no weapon as a deterrent against some type of assault or violence. They should be protesting gun control, because it discriminates against a women right to protect themselves, in a way that would render us evil testosterone driven males dead or injured,if an assault against them ocurred. What is the new "old" saying? God created men and women and Sam Colt made them equal.

You would think that these well meaning women would be able to see past the liberal smokescreen and make a better choice.


[This message has been edited by CHAINSAW (edited September 06, 1999).]
The problem here is that if 25 soccer moms show up for this thing the official attendence and media reports will say it was 50,000. Of course the antis will make the number even higher. The congress critters will feel duty bound to give them what they ask for.
Our only hope is that these airhead women will already have previous appointments with the beauty palor, bridge club or whatever so they can't attend.

David, I hope your wife and every other intelligent woman out there does send that wake up call. I doubt if they would listen to anything a man would have to say. Hopefully common sense will prevail.

DC & LadydeeJ, you let Ivan off light. I bow to your grace under fire. :D

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited September 06, 1999).]
It has been opined (opinionized) that the women of America have had to take charge because the men (in general) refuse to, or are too lazy to lead.

"My wife won't let me do it..." :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited September 06, 1999).]
Don't look at me. I couldn't find any good women either, so I took charge and CONVERTED one! I suggest all the rest of you do the same ASAP. DC, LadyDeeJ, don't think you get out of this. There are plenty of sniveling, freedom-fearing men out there for you two to work on.
My method was simple--I talked her into going shooting with me. One time. Then we discussed the fact that the guns she was shooting have been placed on proposed ban lists several times (Ruger 10/22, Browning Buckmark, and Ruger Super Redhawk.) Thanks to Scott Hall for all your help with that. Now the woman is DEDICATED as well as beautiful and willing to tolerate a man much inferior to herself in so many ways. :)
Good luck!


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
I'm very proud and happy that my wife will be joining me at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in St. Louis.

DC, LadydeeJ, glad to see you have a sense of humor. However, all kidding aside, we desperately need women to begin intelligently discussing this issue. Emotions matter, and we need to see women discussing this reality soon, or those emotions can destroy this important right before the fools even begin to understand what they have done.

'And please be advised that it is not our mission to take guns away from responsible, law abiding adults.' These women have incredible naivete. Do their feet ever touch the ground?
I shouldnt get flamed for stating that all these anti gun woman should be shipped out. We should ship out thre anti gun men too. But the core of the anti gun movement IS these nutty American women and there sure cant be any argument to that. THese Fema`Nazis have got to be put down and I would hope other non Femanazis AMerican females would agree with me. I knew i would catch flack for my comments ,but we could cut out the heart of these antigunners by somehow putting the Femanazis in their place. Shall i go down the list of the anti gun females and how promiment they are in our society? If these nuts get a million female people in Dc protesting gun ownership, Congress will have a feeding frenzy against ALL gunowners:whether male or female. NO way am i against woman :only the Femanazis who are out to take this nation down.Sure, we cant deport them ,but We must do something to stop their political clout. Here in maryland we have Senator Milkulski who keeps getting relected and I am sure plenty of stupid men vote for her. Dont get upset at me Lady DEE .you must know that these Femanazis are a big problem to us gunowners.

I can't begin to understand them.
I've used this analogy in the past and I believe it is directly equal...

Some men rape....therefore all men must be castrated. Absurd, no? But that is the exact same logic as the antis....
So, to take it their must register, men can't have sex more than once per month, men can't use a motel, men must show ID before use, men must have a licence to have sex away from their home.....

".....but, please be advised that it is not our mission to take testicles
away from responsible, law abiding males.'

I have no concept how the thought processes of these people work

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DC,and Lady Dee, I think that these women have been duped into feeling that this will end all problems associated with the school shootings. My sister is a foreign language teacher at an upscale public school here in WI. She is a wonderful person, but has bought into the propaganda of the far left on this issue as well as several others. Being a teacher she is also forced into being a member of the teachers union, an organization that I detest, that has shown repeatedly that they don't always have the "childrens" best intentions in mind. After the Columbine incident she made the remark, that all guns should be done away with. I told her a few facts about guns etc. I also told her that even though I strongly disagreed with her, the constitution gives her every right to express her opinion, and I would defend her right with my guns to allow her to keep doing so. I also told her that our granfather being a WW1 veteran must have been torn to fight against our relatives from Germany in WW1. My final point is that Freedom is not free, and that this nation was founded on certain principles that today are under severe strain. I said to her that this nation is probably more divided than at any time I can remember, including the war in Nam. In the end our conservation led to each one of us choosing freedom, or letting another dictate our choices. She grew very quiet and uneasy, when I indicated that I would do whatever it took to insure that our children and grandchildren, didn't have to grow up not knowing what freedom was. We haven't talked about this since, but I feel the teacher may have learned a thing or two from this old back country logger, that day.

I'm not upset Ivan. You will know when I'm REALLY upset… :D :D :D

I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine the other day. She is the president of the Mps Society where I'm a board member and fund raiser. I told her that due to all my years stranded at home with an Mps child, I was tired and needed some changes in my life. Amongst those changes was the decision to not run for re-election and to abandon much of the work that I've done for this organization. It was a tough decision, but one I'm excited about.

I continued to tell her that I was pursuing different avenues, one of which was learning to shoot. I was surprised to find my friend of six years was anti-gun. She started telling me about the woman who was shot in PA in the grocery store parking lot. This conversation opened a new door for me. I suddenly had to remember the things I had recently learned. I was gentle and polite with my friend as she voiced her concerns.

I said, "Linda, it is not the gun's fault that the woman is dead! It is was the sick maniac that was holding the gun! Killers will find any method of doing there nasty deed and not always with firearms."

"Well I know," she said.

We were not able to talk very long on the subject because we had other business, but I will continue to bring up being a safe gun owner during our future conversations.

I thought this wouljd be pertainant (sp?).

The Site:

The article:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Top Stories Headlines

Tuesday September 7 1:29 PM ET

Women, Men Differ on Gun Control
By WILL LESTER Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The fight over gun control reflects a battle of the sexes. American women say stricter weapon laws would curb violence while men want better enforcement of existing laws, an Associated Press poll finds.

The poll notes some erosion of overall support for tougher gun laws since the days immediately following the deadly school shootings last April in Colorado, but still offers plenty of ammunition to both sides of the debate in a divided Congress.

The telephone survey by ICR of Media, Pa., found 56 percent of American adults favored stricter gun laws and 39 percent opposed. Sixty-six percent of women favored the tougher laws, compared with 45 percent of men. Thirty percent of women and 49 percent of men were opposed.

``Women have the mother instinct and don't want guns around,'' said James Rowe, a 73-year-old semiretired contractor and gun enthusiast from San Diego.

In mid-April, just before the Colorado shootings, 55 percent of adults favored tougher gun laws. When the question was repeated in an AP poll a week after the shootings, the proportion jumped to 63 percent.

But while a majority favors stricter gun laws, only 43 percent in the latest poll said new laws would be more effective in reducing gun violence than better enforcement of existing laws. Those numbers are statistically unchanged from the poll taken before the shootings, but represent a sharp shift in opinion as measured in the post-shooting poll, when 51 percent chose tougher gun laws and 39 percent picked better enforcement of existing laws.

Public opinion on this question is fluid, evidenced by the shifts in the AP polls.

Republicans have found divisions in their own ranks. The Senate, with the help of some Republicans, agreed to legislation that requires background checks at all gun shows, outlaws importation of large-capacity ammunition clips and requires the sale of safety locks with handguns. House Republicans initially stripped out that language, but later asked for a compromise version that would require background checks for firearms sales at gun shows.

Theresa Flippin, a 24-year-old factory worker from Yellville, Ark., believes people should be able to own guns and use them for hunting. But she wants tougher gun restrictions on people who have criminal records.

``In the last five years, it's really gotten out of control,'' she said, ``the school shootings, the drive-by shootings, the road-rage shootings.''

More than half of Americans say recent shootings in the news have made them worry more about their own safety. Almost two-thirds of women said they were likely to feel that way.

``I worry about my daughter when she goes to school,'' said 47-year-old Karen Cloud, a nurse from Lexington, Ky. Several women in the poll, when asked in interviews later how recent violence affects them, mentioned school shootings first.

Ms. Cloud said she wasn't surprised there is a gender gap on the gun control issue.

``I think a lot of men are just fascinated with guns and want to have them,'' she said. ``I dated a guy who insisted that I learn how to shoot this rifle. It was so heavy, I couldn't even hold it. I went out and shot cans with it, but there was no point.''

The poll of 1,026 people taken Aug. 27-31 indicated that blacks were far more likely than whites, by 83 percent to 52 percent, to support tougher gun controls. The poll had an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points, larger for subgroups like men and women. Democrats were far more likely than Republicans to support more restrictions, by 71 percent to 43 percent.

Both Democratic candidates for president, Vice President Al Gore and former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, have suggested stringent steps to control access to guns. GOP front-runner George W. Bush, the governor of Texas, said recently that he agrees with some gun control steps, such as raising the age of gun ownership to 21 and banning large ammunition clips.

More than half the men interviewed in the poll, 54 percent, said they felt that recent shootings in the news were random acts of violence that don't affect them personally, while 41 percent said they felt threatened. Some of that may be attributed to the difference in how men and women view guns.

``I hate to see all the shootings,'' said Rowe, the San Diego contractor. ``I have guns of my own, about 18 guns, rifles, pistols

``I just like to look at them,'' said the World War II veteran. ``I buy them just like a woman would buy a diamond.''



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
LadydeeJ, are you a Minneapolis local? If so, maybe I will see you at a real-world firing line someday. Which ranges do you frequent?
These M mom marchers are in good company. We should not miss any opportunity to point out to them that Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin all agreed with their views. We should also point out that since Canada, England and Australia passed their latest gun laws the crime rates have been goine up. Talk about having your head in the sand. Also did you notice they already have corporate sponsors- so much for this being a "grass roots" effort. Maybe we should get all the Members of the NRA, GOA and JPFO to march on the same weekend.
As an aside of my original post, I have to give a little credit to the host(hostess?)
Edie Magnus. If you watch her face closely, and listen to her carefully, she doesn't appear like she was buying any of it.
That was funny....

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit