Military Training

Which branch would you joing?

  • Marines

    Votes: 16 20.8%
  • Army

    Votes: 27 35.1%
  • Navy

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • Coast Guard

    Votes: 10 13.0%
  • Air Force

    Votes: 11 14.3%
  • None. No military. Never. No

    Votes: 7 9.1%

  • Total voters

GLP Standard

New member
I hope this is the right place for something like this. Didnt really know where else it would go. No, I'm not joining the Military (yet). Actually, I'm not sure what I want to do. Ive thought about joining the Military for a long time, but its such an important decision, and I want to be 100% sure its what I want to do before I sign anything.

So, my question to you guys is, what branch would you join? Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard?

Im leaning towards The Coast Guard, because since I was about 12 or 13, ive dreamed of becoming a police officer. I dont care to take it anywhere. Wouldnt mind making Detective or something like that, but as far as becoming Chief of Police, that doesnt really interest me. Im not in it for the money in other words. In fact, ive thought about it, and I cant think of anything else I would rather be doing with my life, so if it doesnt work out, Im pretty much screwed. I would rather be an ordinary street cop making $35K/year than doing something else that I dont like making $75K/year.

So anyway, the reason I want to join The Coast Guard, is because of this:
Click on the picture above where it says Port Security Specialist and it has the PS to see the video Im talking about.

It seems like the best decision to give me the training and real life experience I would need to get where I want to be.

I DO NOT want to join the Marines or the Army, so those are out. I can't see risking my life, and more than likely getting shot and killed over something I dont agree with in the first place. However just to see what people would say, I added those as choices in the poll.

One more question: I had an appointment with a Coast Guard recruiter over a month ago. It took me 3 weeks to a month to get the appointment. He said he was booked, and that was the earliest he could fit me in. Well, I was really excited about it, and I went there 3 weeks after talking to him on the phone, when I was supposed to be there. I was 15 minutes early, and the doors were locked. I noticed that there was a sign that said the door had to be locked for security reasons even when someone was there and to ring the bell. I rang the bell, and no one answered the door. I peaked inside, and all the lights were off. I called the phone number 4 or 5 times, and no one answered. I waited for half an hour, thinking maybe he was on lunch of something (since I was early) and no one showed up. I called the next day, and still no one answered, so I left a message saying that I was there for my appointment, and that no one was there, and that they could call me back to reschedule, and I havent heard from them. This was about a month and a half ago.

Could I get them in trouble for this? I was told to call the main office, and to rat them out, and that they would get reamed big time for their incompitence. Wondering if this was true, or if they can pretty much just do this to people who want to join?

Also, I wont join unless I get a written gaurentee of the job I want. I dont want to get stuck doing some garbage job I dont want for 3 or 4 years. Has anyone heard of them doing this ever?
You'll never get a guarantee of a particular job, you only are promised particular training. For example, guy I know who was trained as a tanker per his contract spent almost his entire 4 year hitch driving a HMMWV for staff officers.

Wanna be an Airborne Ranger? They will promise you a shot at Airborne and Ranger schools (you still have to qualify and pass), but that doesn't guarantee assignment to the Ranger Regiment.


I DO NOT want to join the Marines or the Army, so those are out. I can't see risking my life, and more than likely getting shot and killed over something I dont agree with in the first place.

Whoa. Missed that part. Go away. We don't need you.
I retired from the Navy in 2000 after 23 yrs of service. In the 23 years I was in, I was a Military Policeman for 3 years and Security Alert Team for about 5 years. I am not trying to promote the Navy because any Branch of the Military will help you gain points in the selection process when applying for any goverment job especially in law enforcement or fire department. I recommend that you talk to a recruiter of each Mil. branch and see what they have to offer. You are not obligated to sign up even after taking all the test and physical check up. I know! I was a Recruiter! The ASVAB (Entrance Test) is good for all the Branches. However, each branch have their own physical requirements.

You have to realize that your scores on the ASVAB test will determine what you can qualify for. I have friends that are veterans from different branches of the service that are law enforcement officers but never worked in that field while in the service.

Remember! You are not obligated to sign! Make sure that what ever job you want to sign up for is in your contract. Some recruiters will tell you just to sign for a certain job and when a spot is available for the field you want to get into, your guarantee will be changed to that job field. Doodoo!


Im biased,91-95 If you dont want to fight a war, whether you believe in it or not, your ONLY option is the Coast Guard. There arnt alot of them deployed. On the other hand, the MP field would be some of the guys getting deployed from any branch. Bye the way, you dont fight the battles for politics, you do it for the guys next to ya.

Semper Fidelis
I DO NOT want to join the Marines or the Army, so those are out. I can't see risking my life, and more than likely getting shot and killed over something I dont agree with in the first place. However just to see what people would say, I added those as choices in the poll.

Maybe thats why you didn't get called back.

You want a guaranteed job? Tough luck. You have to work to get what you want. This "silver spoon" crap really fires me up......
I DO NOT want to join the Marines or the Army, so those are out. I can't see risking my life, and more than likely getting shot and killed over something I dont agree with in the first place.

Just what is it that you don't agree with?

Another question...... how old are you?

Sounds like you're very accustomed to getting your own way. Trust me, that will not continue without a sliver spoon in your past.
I DO NOT want to join the Marines or the Army, so those are out. I can't see risking my life, and more than likely getting shot and killed over something I dont agree with in the first place. However just to see what people would say, I added those as choices in the poll.

Not the right attitude when trying to sign up for a branch of the military. Perhaps you should just go to a community college and get a degree in criminal justice and then join a police academy. Don't look now...but you will be putting you life on the line as an LEO as much, if not more than being in the armed services.
Navy---------33 years military service..good training. College courses on ship. Qualed BAR, M1, .45, 38, 9mm and 81mm mortar. Aviation maintenance..seen the world.
My brother spent 4 years in the Coast Guard, every bit of it on fisheries patrol in the Bering Sea near the Aleutians. Good luck. I'll stick with the Army.
I DO NOT want to join the Marines or the Army, so those are out. I can't see risking my life, and more than likely getting shot and killed over something I dont agree with in the first place

"More than likely shot and killed" ? Believe it or not, the VAST majority of service members, even in the Army and Marines, don't get killed.

If those are you feelings, fine. However, that being the case, I don't really think that any branch of the military is the best place for you. I don't want you in MY unit. You may take that as a personal insult or not as you chose though I don't intend it that way. Merely stating my opinion.

Yes, I include the Coast Guard when I say any branch.
You better not even bother with the CG, they come to Iraq too. Then again, maybe that's why your CG recruiter blew you off. Why waste time with you, I wouldn't. Join the Navy? Sorry, they come here too. AF? Nope, they come here too. Maybe you better stick with police explorers.
With an attitude like that you're not cut out for police work either. You'll risk your life with the possibility of getting shot everytime you go out and you'll be expected to perform when things go south. If I was your FTO and saw any of that attitude, you'd be glad to quit.:mad:

I suggest you find a less risky a librarian or something.
Honestly, I agree with mike. The oath you take in any office is to defend this country and our way of life even if it means giving up your own. It's not a easy thing to do but if you're attitude is 'I don't want to risk my life for this country' stay away from serving. You'r attitude will get other people killed and I wouldn't want you in my unit either. Granted I am in the Air Force and as a pilot I don't really put my life in harms way like the Marines and Army do, bless their hearts for what they do, however with an attitude like 'save my own skin' I wouldn't want to fly with you in any sortie. That attitude will kill a crew. Join the salvation army or the peace corp.
Join the salvation army or the peace corp


Enlisted AF here, and I was at Talill AB, Iraq last year and in Sep. I will be going to Balad AB. If you join AF or Navy you might not see direct combat, but indirect fire isn't a whole lot of fun either. (mortars and rockets)
Waking up in the middle of the night to an alarm red, throwing on body armor and helmets and running to the bunker in boxers really sucks. Not to take away anything from the guys out there that are really in the $^!#, I have major respect for you guys.

If you aren't willing to take the oath to protect and defend the constitution and to obey all lawful orders, then don't
The navy has sought to protect Basra from dhows packed with explosives sent to destroy tankers and the oil terminal. Two years ago, a dhow exploded near Basra, killing two U.S. sailors and a member of the Coast Guard.

"With just 220 members deployed here as the Coast Guard's only full expeditionary mission, U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Forces Southwest Asia are making critical contributions to long-term security in the region, Commodore Daniel McClellan, the unit's commander, told the JCOC participants.",15240,95660,00.html

I guess tha means you wont be enlisting in the military after all.....

when you sign on the dotted line you are agreeing to protect and defend this nation. That includes going in harms way in a conflict you dont agree with.

Right now as far as I know the Army is the only branch of service that will gaurantee your choice of military occupational specialty(unless you flunk your school). The other branches according to the fine print can send you training in other than your initial choice based on the needs of that branch.
Why am I getting flamed for 1 simple comment? I didnt come here to get flamed by all of you. I came here for advice. Please, from now on, keep the negative comments out. And to set the record straight, the reason they did not call me back isnt because of my attitude. I hadnt even talked to them yet, aside from setting up an appointment to go and speak with them. How would know what my attitude was? Im guessing they didnt call me back, and they werent there, because they already filled their qouta for the month, and they werent doing their job. Well, ill be calling the C/O about it, and we'll see what they say.

Second, when I said I dont want to die for something I dont agree with in the first place, I was referring to War. I wasnt referring to Bush, I wasnt referring to Politics, and I wasnt referring to this country. I think War is pointless and stupid. Im a firm believer that it is 100% unnecessary, and that the World would be a better place without it. So why should I go and possibly get killed for something that I dont even agree with?

Joining the Police Force and joining the Military are 2 completely different things. I have no problem risking my life. I didnt mean to come off that way, but unfortunately, thats how some of you took it. I need to get a nice easy job like a Librarian? :rolleyes: Come on now.... thats the most ignorant thing Ive ever heard.

I understand that you risk your life as a LEO just as much, if not more than in the Military. As I said, I have no problem risking my life. Its risking my life for something that I dont agree with that bothers me. Id like to make the streets of this Country a safer place for us to live in. I want to help people. I DO NOT want to join the Military to be a slave to this country, and get killed for a government that doesnt give a **** about me anyway. If you guys cant understand that, then thats fine. I didnt know I was obligated to fight for my country. It is a free country, meaning I should be able to live my life how I want to. I like my life. I dont want it to end at the age of 21 over something so ignorant as War.

Now that we got all that out of the way, lets talk about the Job I want in the Coast Guard, since everything else is going nowhere. Does anyone know anything about it? Port Security Specialist? Whats that about? Whats involved? What are the requirements? Is it any harder than any other job in the Coast Guard to get?
I can understand GLP's sentiments in terms of the current fighting. Wanting to serve your country does not automatically imply that you want to be involved as a grunt in bloody occupation. Currently, signing up for the Army or Marines is like asking to go to Iraq.

The Airforce, Navy and Coast Guard tend to keep more distance since the US pretty much rules the air and sea. The Navy probably involves the most time away from home, but takes itself a little less seriously than the airforce and seems to allow more individual responsibility. Things are nice in the Air Force, but often boring. The Coast Guard is just plain cool, but their ships are small and not for the weak stomached.

I probably would have gone Coast Guard as a pilot instead of the Navy, knowing what I do now. The Navy has many interesting small missions, and I enjoyed doing those. But my 9 years in the Navy wasn't typical.
Port Security Specialist? Whats that about? Whats involved? What are the requirements? Is it any harder than any other job in the Coast Guard to get?

Well, They drive around in cool boats with m-60's m240b's etc....

And go to war. They are reservists. Not full time. They are the first sent to Iraq to secure the ports.

I didnt know I was obligated to fight for my country.

You are. When you join the military that is........Or when they start the draft again.
sence of duty

ive got to tell you when i was in my teens all i wanted to do was air born rangers and in 1981 i blew my knee up at a wrestling match, the recuter said i had no chance of AB Rangers. i was shatterd that messed up all the plans i had, they offered me other jobs and being young and dumd i wouldnt concider any thing less,so i never joined,that was almost 25 years ago ive regereted that choice ever since, ive seen alot of my friends go off to fight inn gernadea,falklands,afferica,middle east,that was really hard, but when my sisters 3 boys enlisted in the army thats when i really realised what i missed out on, they are a part of something they can be proud of for the rest of there lives,they all served in iraq and afganastan,the youngest one has been deployed 3+ times allready and will be going back asap he was in faluja during some of the realy bad fighting .when i got to see him when he was on leave i asked how it was(knowing how bad it was i just saw a special on tv showing the fearse almost hand to hand fighting going on) he looked me in the eye and said its no big deal. i thought to myself no big deal?dose he want to beleve that?or maybe he really means it?either was iam at auh of that 21 year old sargent us army 82 AB,all of them went over there to do a job and are willing and wanting to go back till the jobs done,
when your young your out look on life is a self centered one, iam not saying thats wrong its just part of being young, all iam trying to say from experance that you have to look at your life as something you can be proud of, a year ago i almost died from a hart attack and when i was on that table, this, along with a million other thoughts were going thru my mind.i didnt serve my country ,and i feel sick abought it.maybe i served my nepheus in some way that can get them thru this fighting and get them home safe, i have never been so proud of them, i love them so much,and prey that everythings going to ok.all that said i wish you the best make a choice you can live with. jon