military surplus??


New member
I ask this on this forum because who would know better than a smitty. I want to purchase 3 semi-auto 223 cal. rifles that will shoot 2MOA . Is there any way to know what you are getting on these web sites that sell AR15's and such made in Europe? I would rather buy a american made auto if it would break the bank. I need advise. I am not a novice when it comes to working on guns but my experience is limited to Remingtons and Rugers.
I don't understand your question. AR-15 are only made in the US, with C7s made in Canada and M-16 clones made in the Philippines. Nobody sells European-made surplus 5.56 NATO rifles in the US to the general public (they are Title 2 Firearms). Class III dealers can buy new production European-made military rifles as dealer samples to be sold to military and LEO only.

I assume you are talking about 100 yds?
There is no way to tell. I have two AR-15s and both of them will do considerably under 1" at 100 yds and most ARs. will do that. But the others like the Ruger Ranch Rifle etc., won't!
Accuracy wouldn't be guaranteed even by a custom gunsmith.
I think the better ARs. would be your best bet.
Harry B.
P.S. I think 2"" at 100 yds, would cover most of the semi-auto 223 rifles, or close.
I doubt they will guarantee anything, but Bushmaster has a pretty good rep for accuracy. I know of no AR-15 type rifles made in Europe, at least none being imported.


One of mine is the Bushmaster Varmiter stainless (new) and the other is a Stag Arms Sniper with a Bushmaster chrome lined bbl.
The Bushmaster is 24" bbl. - the Stag is 20" with a Vortex flash hider.
Harry B.