Military Civil Assistance Plan

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New member
When will this baffoon, Bush, stop eroding the Constitution and when will our elected sheeple put an end to this A--holes arrogance?????

The military Civil Assistance Plan is seen by critics as a further incremental step toward creating a North American armed forces available to be deployed in domestic North American emergency situations. According to the NORTHCOM press release, the plan "allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency."

Or the fact that American troops are already being used as a police force in other nations, most notably Afghanistan as ISAF, and Kosovo as KFOR?
The military Civil Assistance Plan is seen by critics as a further incremental step toward creating a North American armed forces available to be deployed in domestic North American emergency situations. According to the NORTHCOM press release, the plan "allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency."

Thank god for Patriots like Bravo1niner who bring this to our attention. I took my Tinfoil off for long enough to realize that the Ne-ConZion Thugs of the Bush regime and their puppetmasters, the Israel Lobby, seek nothing less than the total disarmament of true American patriots and the imposition of a godless New World Order.

Its the little things that are the popularity of Barack Hussien Osama, fellafel sellers everywhere and folks speaking Spanish.

Arise patriots, issue your warrants for treason!

WildakindredsoulAlaska ™
Personally, I think the lack of a link to BRAVO's smearbund article is evidence of a zionist conspiracy.

That and ;)

Edited to add: I'm part of the zionist conspiracy, but not part of
IIRC Bush canceled posse comitatus a few years ago, so that train has left the station...

Bush cancelled it? Seems to me the legislature makes the law, and the executive is supposed to enforce the law as the legislature makes it, not make it's own rules. Think I read that somewhere.... oh yes the COTUS defines the roles of the three branches.
This is entertaining.

Bush canceled posse comitatus eh. :p
Presidents can't cancel stuff if I recall......

I like that you capitalized Patriot Wa.;)
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