Military as your friendly local COP.

Long Path

New member
Very nice. I am a bit surprised I haven't heard of this before....?

The Posse Comitatus Act prevents most uses of the United States military in
civilian law enforcement applications.
However, House and Senate Appropriations Bills, if approved in their current
form, would wipe the Posse Comitatus Act out. The Department of Defense
would be authorized to deploy military troops in cases of anticipated or
actual terrorist attacks. Local law enforcement agencies would no longer be
required to reimburse the federal government for any local use of military
That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to redefining the
military's domestic mission. In June, the House voted to allow the military
to directly take over border patrol duties. The measure, attached to the
2000 Defense Authorization Bill, was written by Ohio Democrat James
Traficant. It also gives the military the power to prevent entry of "drug
traffickers and terrorists," and allows military inspections of "cargo,
vehicles, and aircraft at points of entry into the U.S." The bill is
currently in joint conference committee.
What's dangerous about deploying the military in case of terrorist activity
is that the Secretary of Defense can mobilize troops in the mere event of a
terrorist threat. And what would constitute a terrorist threat? Anything the
Department of Defense says is a threat. Anything from Basque separatists to
so-called religious "cults" or militias who have too many guns for their own
Is the news media covering this one? Of course not. Do you care? Probably
not. But do you want to see tanks rolling through the streets of your town
on a mission that's ambiguous at best?
Why does this not surprise me? We treat substance abuse, a medical problem, as a criminal problem; we treat violence, a crime problem, as a medical problem; we use our cops like military forces, and we use our military forces as globo-cops. Why not use our military as domestic cops as well? Business as usual in Wonderland on the Potomac. I don't think there is anyone with even the slightest degree of sanity or common sense left in D.C. Of course, we all need to write our Congresscritters to vote against this if that's going to do a damn bit of good.
Tanks, huh? Well, there's a cure for that, "tanks" to Mr. Molotov. :)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
I have been follow this suject for sometime on shortwave radio. People have called me a crazy for talking about the real possibility of military patroling our streets. Now it is getting to the masses .Watch out for this Trafficant guy. somtimes he talks like a patriot ,but I think he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He proves it with this lousy law.
If for no other reason than the simple fact that a soldier's training and mindset are markedly different from a cop's, this is a really lousy idea.
Do these jerkoffs in Dizzyland-on-the Potomac have any connection with reality?
I expect it will separate the sheep from the goats when it comes to YOUR neighborhood.

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
I am looking for a few good men in the Congress and military to stand up to the NWO crowd. There are maybe 20? congressmen who arent traitors to their nation,but I cant find a single high ranking military officer who has any b---s and who will really "defend the constituion against foreign and domestic enemies" instead of bombing every nation that gets in the way of the NWO and scaring the heck out of Americans with their urban warfare operations. George Patton wouldnt put up with these traitors in our government and military!When I see military flunkies like Shelton and Clark, it makes me sick. a million of these NWO flunkies arent worth one Spec.4 Michael New who stood up to the NWO in Macedonia when he refused to wear a UN uniform. It is way past time for the US military to take a stand against the coming UN enslavement of America. I wonder what kind of sweetheart deals the government has offered the top brass in the Us military to go along with the NWO takeover of America?
Swifter: Exactly. Speaking of goats and sheep, anybody notice how that Marine who shot that goatherd boy on the border in W. TX was no-billed by his military review (never went to court marshal)?

18 year-old boy is tending goat flock on the edge of the Rio Grande in S.W. Texas. Marine watching/listening post nearby observes boy walking behind goats with .22 rifle. Marines (working as drug-interdiction along the border) follow boy, moving with stealth in camouflaged positions. Boy begins to plink with .22 (can you even conceive of not plinking, walking alone in the desert on a boring afternoon after high school, when i were a boy?) at nearby rocks. Remember, the boy had NO CLUE that anyone was out there. Marines follow for a couple of hundred yards *after the boy has started plinking*. Boy fires back at a spot behind him, near the Marines. Marines hunker down. Boy fires again. Marines kill boy. Note: shot entered under the right arm of the boy (who was right-handed), and exited the left shoulder.
Marines say they had to shoot back, in self-defense, because the boy was about to shoot "at them" again. Boy was supposedly pointed the rifle "right at them" when he was killed.

The D.A. in the county says he can't prosecute because it's a military matter. The family can't get a redress of grievances, because it's a military matter.

Since when was this kind of stuff a military matter? This is pretty simply a police matter-- if drugs are being run in, it's a crime. If there's a suspect, it's a police matter to determine if he's a drug runner.

Marines say that it's NOT part of their procedure to identify themselves and reveal their presence in order to return fire. Makes sense as a military doctrine; I agree. Would be really stupid as a police doctrine. That's exactly why the military don't need to be there.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited July 26, 1999).]
Back again. I nearly forgot about that poor kid MURDERED by Marines. The evidence is everywhere. Martial law is coming >Martial law is coming!