Militarization of law enforcement - web site resource


New member
Primarily in the name of the [sarcasm mode on] sacred War of Drugs [off], we are seeing Rights trampled and law enforcement militarized. The issue of over-zealous no-knock raids and LEO's got pretty heated in a couple of threads in the General Discussion Forum in December, so I hesitated before opening it back up here. What made me do it is coming across this web site, which pulls together in one place a lot of arguments and documentation on this issue.
Police Militarization
This an interesting resource for those looking to understand this issue further.

I fear I may actually find myself agreeing with the ACLU types on this issue.

Please note, especially you LEO's, this is not a blanket indictment of LEO's. This is a "hey, there's a problem here" heads up, and if you don't help clean it up from the inside (which I know many are doing in various ways), you're (collectively) ultimately going to find yourselves viewed not as an ally of the average citizen (and TFL denizen), but an enemy. And that's no good for any of us.

Anyway, this has rambled too much already. Mainly, I wanted to get this resource out there.


[This message has been edited by JimR (edited January 04, 2000).]