Mile deer, mounting lions, and others

Chuck Dye

New member
A typo in a thread requesting opinions on cartridge selection had me thinking about hunting mile deer . That reminded me of how hard keeping a straight face used to be when my friend's son talked of mounting lions, (noted for sneaking up on you from behind!)

Does anyone else have such improbable beasties lurking around their camp fires?
I talk to mile hunters all the time. They shoot a deer every year at least that far. And they don't need to practice, they are naturals.

Stupid me, I always tell them, you don't even know where your rifle hits at a range like that, in fact, I doubt that you even sighted your rifle in. They always tell me the same thing. Everyone of them.
You just hold at that top of their back.
Universal sight picture.

As far as mounting lions, leave me out on that one. I got a SPAM today for a website that I am sure contains pictures, but I like women too much.
Well, the early explorers in the Rockies discovered the Sidehill Dodger. It had legs longer on one side than on the other. This enable easier grazing around a mountainside. For some reason, some were clockwise-moving; others, counter-clockwise. Fights occurred when a cw met a ccw.

Ranchers in that high country discovered that mutations occurred in their cattle, with the same sort of variations in leg-length. This was discouraging, as it made roundups rather difficult.

:), Art
Don't tempt me.

I've enough problems still trying to convince most any that there really is such a thing as snipe.
Among real live critters, I have no difficulty with snipe, especially since an Audobon field guide lives in the car. I do, though, deeply regret not photographing the coyoodles when I had the chance.

A "friend" of my Mom was extremely snooty about her poodle bitch-this show, that prize, pedigree, yada, yada, and always the price list. The bitches, two legged and four legged, lived on what was then the outskirts of San Diego. For months, everyone who came within range was blasted with every detail of the stud, the bitch, the pedigrees, and, of course, the huge prices expected for the pups. Comes the day of the delivery, sweet justice also arrived-COYOODLES!! Wile E. had slipped under the fence...
Just shows to go ya that the path of true love passes through allegedly insurmountable obstacles.

Pun intended. :D

Snipe? Did somebody say snipe? I went on a snipe hunt, once. Back in my Boy Sprout daze. Did the usual dark-thirty routine with gunny sack and candle, down by a creekbank loaded with mosquitos. Unfortunately for the "perps", I had already at that tender age read B.A. Botkin's "Treasury of American Folklore", which among other items of interest contained a story about The Snipe Hunt.

They left me with candle and gunny sack, giggling. I left at a run via another path, back to the Scouts' cabins. Got the jar of red ants I'd collected, that previous afternoon, and "salted" the sleeping bags of the Bad Guys. It's truly amazing how loud some people can scream. :D

He who giggles last has fonder memories.


There really is, or was a bird called a snipe. I believe they were in India. There was a show on Snipers on the History channel. They reported that the british recruited hunters from thier Indian colonies to become snipers during WW1. they went on to say the word sniper is derrived from snipe!!
There is a domestic snipe too (bird). But yeah, I did the fake snipe hunt as a teen too - I was trying like hell to catch one of those critters in my burlap bag for a good half hour.

Art, you were a l'il stinker, weren't ya?
Huck Phinn... coyoodles - great story!
When I was real young I had a friend invite me to play "cowboys and idiots". I also did the snipe hunt in Boy Scouts. As a senior patrol leader I took a step further one year. Going to camp in the Adirondacks meant the nightly ritual of collecting all food and candy and putting it in bear bags. We had an especially young group who readily believed anything the older scouts told them. One night a young boy put all his candy in a plastic bag and hung it in a tree. The following morning I was up before he and tore a hole in his bag allowing the candy to drop out. For affect I opened some and scattered it around. When the tenderfoot woke up I explained to him that a bear got to his candy and that it was all contaminated. I got a kick out of it, but turning and seeing the huge grin on my scoutmasters face really took the cake.
I was explaining to a group about woodcock .At one point I mentioned that it was a member of the snipe family. From the back of the group a voice said " you mean there's really such a thing as a snipe ?":D

If anybodys got a picture (Not from a picture, or popup book) please post it. Ive seen drawings, but would really be interested in seeing it.My DAD took me snipe hunting!!! Man thats messed up.. When my sis was little he told her we were eating hopping chicken for dinner cuz he knew she wouldnt eat a cute little rabbitt. He waited till she had her fill & let her in on the secret..
Needless to say she cried and tried to make herself sick..Funny as hell!!! Man I love Wabbit!
I read a post on a different site where a man had shot an elf stem to stern. Lots of good natured fun with that one.

Here you go.

Commmon Snipe.

Don't have to much of a story, but lost a fine hunting dog to one of these once.
