Mike in VA

New member
Let's forget kicking on 'Rosie and move on to something that will make a difference. HCI/VPC etc. make way with lots of [misdirrected] emotional appeal, we need to come back with better/more emotional stuff.

It's pretty clear that the sheeple are comatose when it comes to intellectual or hisorical arguments (I mean the facts and stats are pretty much on our side), so help me figure out what sells -

A couple of general observations on message:
1. Laws alone don't get it. We already have 22+K on the books to no avail

2. The police aren't responsible for your safety - you are. The Police are reactive, at best, and the aren't liable if they don't come.

3. Armed citizens bag 3-5X more crimials annualythan do the police. In the process, they accidently wound 20% as many bystanders as do the police.

(The above wasn't intended as a swaipe at the constabulary, but rather ecognition of the fact that they can't do it all by them selves)

Evicendct to drive it home:
1.a. The fact that everything the Litteton/Jonesboro/Atlanta/Hawaii killers did was already illeagal -
1.b. A list of women who have been killed/assaulted while procetive orders were im effect.
2. The quote from career crimal John Gotti tot he effect that he favors gun control, because as a BG, he'll always beable toget a gun, disarming the populace make his life easier.
3. The anti's are reducing your ability to protect your love one if you're so inclined
4. Find forum where the Kleck and Lott studies can be presented in a fair environmetn.
5. Embarass the media with their bias and bigotry
6.. How to get the sheeple to see that they are being systematically sold out.

Among the reasons people buy into stuff because they want to be seen in a positive light, they want to be seen as a player, they want to be on the 'right' side, or conversly, out of fear that they're being left out, that they're loosing something, non-competitiveness, or that something is being taken from them. We need to figure out how to use these motivations to make our point and then how to get the message targeted and broadcast.

If we can pull together a good set of focused messages that the middle of the road undecided can embrace, we can then go on to figuring out some kind of grass roots means of gaining some critical mass.

We are a bright and articulate bunch, let's figure this out and then figure out how to be outward bound. It's an election year, and it's time to make our own luck
All good points in need of an organizational plan.

Consider the minimum 4 groups:

Research Group - Dedicated data miners - to dig up the facts (& get the dirt validated) to provide timely information support of both proponent efforts and neutralizing opposition efforts.

Coordination Hub Group - to give focus & direction to overall and specific efforts, while conducting liaison and being the cognizant center of mass to assure misguided efforts don't inadvertantly snuff out the progess by this or other organizations.

PA/LA - Public affairs experts that know the media business and can configure the sound bytes and presentations for the most effective and timely impact; Legislative affairs insiders that know when to be where to get the latest indication of which way the political "winds" are blowing...

A fourth and the presumed "most critical" group is the fund raisers. After all, money talks in this country, and nothing happens without it.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Thanks for a little clarity Mykl. I broke a couple toes the other night, so I've been sittin' and surfin' with a cigar and couple of beers, and just getting frustrated. I KNOW we can do better.

Please, you guys/gals, let's think this thru, this could be a start. I'm not asking for anything but ideas at this point. Sleep on it (sweet dreams).