Mike Irwin, C R Sam and Others


New member

Your opinions would be appreciated re a used (good condition), blue, square butt, S&W model 13-2 with a three-inch heavy bull barrel as a CCW weapons. I would probably stoke it with 125 grain .38 Special P+ Nyclads.

I've got a S&W model 13-3, round butt with a 3" barrel. It's one sweet little piece but there's smaller and lighter revolvers out there that might be better for concealment purposes. Best Regards, J. Parker
If you can deal with the weight, which is pretty hefty for a CCW, these are excellent firearms. I frequently carry a Model 19 2.5" in a shoulder holster.

I'd suggest, though, going with Remington's 125-gr. .357 Golden Sabre.

About the same recoil as the Nyclads, but a bit more power and, if my experience is the norm, a lot easier to get.
The 3" heavy barrel Model 13 is just about the best CCW revolver you can possibly tote. It'd be perfect with the round butt, but I'd take the square butt in a heartbeat.
I'm a Model 13 fan


Are you sure you're looking at a 3" heavy barrel, SQUARE BUTT, Model 13-2? My copy of "Standard Catalog of S&W", 1996, by Supica and Nahas, lists only round butt with the 3" barrel, Product Codes 100304 (blue) and 100308 (nickle) from 1974-1994. They indicate the 4" barrel comes with the SB. Maybe your 13-2 is a special run?

At 31 ounces for the 3" heavy barrel Model 13, the weight is at the upper limit for CCW, but not intolerable, IMHO.

Coincidentally, I have a like-new, 3" heavy barrel, round-butt Model 13-3 in my "CA one handgun per 30 days" stack. There is one gun ahead of it, so I think I can pick it up this March :( . I look forward to shooting this K-frame with a 3" barrel, a nice combination IMHO.
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There's a...

...3" Model 13 (actually a PC-13) stoked with 125gr Gold Dots in a Galco Speedmaster on my hip as I type this.

A Model 13 3" RB was the second CCW gun I graduated to (after a Model 36), and was considered by all the old guys at the shops I hung out in at the time to be the serious totin' iron, the way trick 1911's are nowadays.
I have a pair of M65 3" revolvers (one modified to DAO) and consider the M13/65 to be an excellent pistol. It will do well as a CCW pistol if you do your part.

I would suggest that you try several different .38Spl+P and .357 Magnum loads to see which shoot best for you. I personally like the 158gr+P LSWHP, but there are several great rounds besides this one.

If you like it, go for it.
RWK.....works for me.

Just checked Fjestad and they also show 3" only in round butt.

Could be you have an aberrant example ?

A square butt 3" certainly isn't beyond the pale. I've seen more than my fair share of 1-off combinations that were either "lunch box" guns (assembled by an employee and smuggled out in a lunchbox), or were out and out assembly mistakes.

Most common are the mismarkings, but other interesting variations are known.
Don't overlook the many special orders put out by S&W for some distributor or dealer. These were never catalogged and rarely marked in any way. Some made it into the regular line if sales looked good, but most were one time shipments of a couple of hundred guns.


Considering what a few of our more knowledgeable people have said about your pistol, it might be worth the money to have S&W give you a historical report of when your pistol was produced. it it was part of a special run, that would be nice to know.
If you're not too invested in "pocket" use - - -

- - The three-inch 13 is an excellent piece. Enough weight to handle magnums without discomfort, enough barrel to reap some advantage from mag loads, and a full-length ejector stroke. Also, with a proper holster-belt system, the three-inch barrel is long enough to press against the hip and keep the butt up against your body, and so it CAN actually conceal BETTER than a small-frame two-inch, if you use an outside-waistband rig.

I personally prefer the round butt three-inch, but would feel extremely well armed with the revolver you describe.

I'm normally not enthusiastic about "pattern loading," but one school of thought is --- two rounds of 158 gr LSWCHP +P up first, for very controllable, highly accurate placement, and the rest with the mags of your preference.

Another possibility is that it left the factory as a 4" gun which was later either shortened to 3" and recrowned or a shorter barrel could have been ordered from S&W and screwed on by a gunsmith. One of my mod 65's has a shortened barrel, but I also had the frame cut to the RB configuration. For ammo try RBCD .357 mag.