Mike Irwin and other seniors

Don Mallard

New member
This is a humble request from me to all and especially senior members such as Mike.
I want you to watch my remarks which I do not indent to be a flame or agression from me. I really would appreciate if you seniors, and others, will give me your thoughts when I post.
I am not just 'seeking' attention but rather I seek knowledge.
I know some don't like EX-DPS guys but my experiences so far have really kindled a desire for more 'Input' - share your knowledge and thoughts with me.
Don Mallard

:) Sold to the man in the 63 Corvette
It is red with black interior
4 speed
340 horse 327
hard top with fold down rag top too
4:11 positraction
6800 rpm
bought it in December of 66
had 34,000 miles
$1320 for it
would do 138mph

Crager grey aluminum mag wheels
Wide Oval red line tires(remember them!)
why did I ever trade it?:(

the beat goes on..................
Well, Don, I've yet to see an agressive post or flame from you, but maybe I need to go back and look again? ;)

You've posted some of your opinions, to which I have posted my counter opinions.

That's what this board is all about.
Greeting's Again My Friend,

I feel appalled that you make such request, Don.
I think you will find that most people who post
gun related topics on this forum are true, honest
people; willing to share their knowledge with other's who are trying to learn the art of handguning. As for me, if I don't know the correct answer to
any poster's question; then I will not knowingly
post incorrect or false information. I don't think
flaming anyone helps the cause. We, as people
are still individuals; and with that we all have
our quirk's, likes, dis-likes, etc. As a whole,
we all share one common interest; the interest
of FIREARMS. Count me in, as I will always be glad
to help in any way that I can.

Best Wishes & GOD Bless America,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
There is something wrong here.

I've been here longer than Mike has, and my wife tells me I spend too much time here, but JESUS, MIKE!!! I'm only nearing the 2K posts marker...holy cats man!

Don, I ama cheap whore compared to Dinosaur. I'll be your friend for $20. What a deal!
Mike what nimble fingers and wonderful dexterity you have:)That characteristic indicates a very intelligent person indeed. That natural trait would make you the candidate to be the MP5 operator on a insertion team. You would have the natural ability to fire the threeburst and also switch magazines in a quick but smooth manner.---Just a observation on my part.
I dissect everything I come into contact with.
I took typing in High School and College. I do 70 WPM------why lie about it? I just plug along like a old Ox. IF you can hold 'it' for a second then I can break it into. I am not much on finesse and I would not look very 'right' in 'tu-tu' with the little SWC design Ballerina shoes doing a 360 on the stage floor! Nope I am the one who watches the show from behind the curtain and then sweeps the floor when ever'body goes home. Hey I don't have to have a shinny ability to see the show and enjoy it to.
Now what your typing with a full auto MP5 while I spin around like Red Skelton has to do with guns--I just don't know except to say I am really enjoying being a free civililan! at last!

Don Mallard
No, it indicates a former history major at a small college. Lots of writing. You type your own papers, or you go broke paying someone else to type them for you.
Well, it's more than that, I think, too. If I were still posting at the same rate that I was when I passed 1K, then I'd be to 4K by now I think.

I have really slowed my post rate. Weird.
Well I may not be as "senior" as Mike, but I feel like I am getting up in the years. ;) I have been away for a few weeks and just got back into things today so I know I haven't flamed you yet. Expect a joke from me now and then, but look for the advice mixed in. Welcome to TFL. :)
As far as contributing a large number of posts per unit of time is concerned--never mind typing speed. I only wish I had the thinking speed! ;)
OK, I tried typing with an MP5. Now who is going to replace my keyboard, monitor and CPU and plug up the holes in the wall and floor? Did I misunderstand or something?

Hi Don! We meet in the darndest places!

Just joined this set of forums a few days ago myself as I do occasionally shoot firearms other than the .22's that I carry on about on Jon's .22 World.
My current centerfire revolver is an old S&W Model 10 Victory Model with WWII ser#'s. Worn finish, good smooth action and trigger and for a 4" standard barrel and nonadjustable sights, surprisingly accurate, in the black at 25yds and still on the paper at 50yds shot off a bench with sandbags. I carried a J Frame for several years. Not enough gun for the job intended, switched to an automatic. This one is a fun shooter, the .45ACP is for serious.
Don't worry about the contents of your posts, from what I've seen, you are a gentleman.:)

Shoot on!...........Zip