Middle of the back holser????


New member
I have seen in the past, a leather holster that when positioned properly, rides in the small of your back. The gun sits at an extreme cant, with the butt of the grip facing almost straight up. I thought they called it the MOB for middle of back, or a CYA for cover your ass! I can't find them now. Were they discontinued? Also, I've always wondered if it wouldn't be a better design for the gun to be turned the other way, butt down, so when you reached for it you didn't have to turn your hand over in an awkward position. What are your thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance

"Charlton Heston is my President"

NRA, NAHC, Buckmasters
I'm not a fan of SOB holsters for a couple reasons. First, positioning any hard metal object over the spine is a bad thing. If you fall on it, you could be crippled. I've spoken with a local chiropractor who has a couple patients who have had this happen. Both have been in constant pain for years.

Second, it's slower to draw from SOB than from your strong-side hip.

Third, it puts the gun in a very bad position with regards to handgun retention -- you have no strength with you arm back there. In contrast, the strong-side hip is very strong for retention.

Your choice. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of the disadvantages.

The Galco model is called the SOB. I have one for a Colt Govt. .380. You don't have to wear it in the middle of your back (I don't). It's more comfortable and just as concealed placed toward your strong side. You reach for it just like reaching for a wallet in your back pocket. I wouldn't carry a full-sized 1911 in one.

The reason the grip points up is so that you naturally keep the muzzle clear of your body as you bring the weapon around for the shot.

If the grip is down, in what is arguably the more convenient positions, you will very naturally cover yourself and most likely shoot yourself when in a high-stress situation.

Try it and see what happens.

When Reason Fails.....
Thanks guys, I appreciate your input. I understand now why they're not too popular. The search goes on. Guess I'll have to break down, buy some bigger pants, and buy an IWB holster for warmer weather cover. I hate fanny packs and things like that. They look out of place to me and always makes me think someone is carrying. But then, I carry so I would think that huh? Thanks again.
I may be the only one, but I've never found it necessary to wear bigger pants with an IWB. Either way there is some level of dicomfort to get used to with an IWB. For concealment there is no better way though.
For shorter guns, a belt slide holster is one of my favorites. It sits between your belt and your pants, only the trigger portion of the gun is covered. You have to wear somthing over it, like a coat or vest. When you take the gun out, the holster is unrecognizable and practically invisible, so you can leave it on your belt.

Good luck,
