Mid-August casting


New member
What a great day! It's only going to be 91° here, so I'm heading out to the casting table. The pot has been warming up for about an hour (no, it doesn't need that long, but I always take my stuff outside, set the PID, and come back in and prep/mount the molds that I want to use that day.
Let's get to casting!!! :D
The molds I ordered from Accurate Molds for my new Master Caster came today. They are the 35 - 125PZ and the 45 - 200I. I used the 45 - 200I today and cast about 500 just to get used to the machine. Only took me an hour, maybe a little longer but no much. I then powder coated them and sized them.

If it had been a 2 cavity hand cast mold, I probably would have stopped at 200. After I figured the machine out, it was very easy to cast with. 2 nozzles to fill both cavities at once, wait for sprue to harden, and bring handle down sharply and the bullets come out into a catch box and the sprue falls into a separate catch box. Repeat that every 10 to 15 seconds and the bullets pile up quickly.
25# of silvery goodness!


I got some 44's, 45's and 357's too.

But it took me longer than an hour!:D

I guess I'll lube these. The power supply that I use for my convection oven is busy running the air pump to the fish pond this week. (It's HOT here.):cool:
I made a bunch of these. They are the 360429 from NOE, but I had a cup point and penta pin made for the mold. At the time I bought mine, he only offered the deep HP for em. They are a little aggravating to cast though, as all those square corners don't like to let go of the mold until the temp is just perfect.


I made a few hundred of these 452488. It was my first time with a Lyman 4 cav and that thing really rained em out. I got lucky that I had an old set of 4 cav handles around here. I didn't know that the Lee 6-cavs wouldn't fit it, and I got lucky on having picked up those 4-cav handles some time in the past. It cast very easily and very fast. So this is mostly what Mom is going to get to zing off into the woods. I was also impressed that this thing drops them at .455 so they are plenty big enough to size down and slick up nicely. :D

'No sense in her blasting all my 45-270SAA's off into nowhere when these little 190 grainers will make just as much noise. ;)


And then also a new bunch of the NOE 454-255RF, which I had cast last time as well. That is another nice easy casting mold that will drop hundreds in a hurry.
Here's the pic of the ones from last week, just to show what it looks like.
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I made a few hundred of these 452488. It was my first time with a Lyman 4 cav and that thing really rained em out.

So now you see why I concentrate on those type molds when I see one I think I need....:D I have that mold in the HG version and it shoots VERY well from my lowly bottom feeders. Haven't tried it in the 45 Colt as I think anything under 250grs is simply sacrilege, but for your intended use I'll let is slide. Gotta take care of those Mom's.

No casting for me this weekend. We went to the farm Friday and yesterday morning were pulling a few items off one old boat, to put on my new old boat, and I jacked my back up. Long story short we came home yesterday afternoon. I doubt I will be doing much at all after I get through checking on my AC this morning up in the attic.:(

Probably have to burn a vacation day tomorrow as well as at this time I see no way I will be able to make it through a day of actual "work" in the shape I'm in until I can see my chiropractor. :(:(
Mom just got back home yesterday, from 10 days in the hospital getting a hernia fixed, so she's on front porch rest restrictions and so she'll be shooting a lot more in the next few weeks since she's bored and can't do a lot on the farm yet. rolleyes:

Rest up and put some of those icy-hot patches on the ol' back. You ain't a kid any more! Let the young fellows do the lifting for the old guy. ;)
'Hope you get mended soon!
I loaded some Mihec 359-640's this weekend but that's about it.

Back when I was once young it used to strike a nerve when the ol' fellas would make the comment, let that young man do it. Funny how some advanced years will make a person understand. LOL ;)

Rest up Mike and take some Geritol :eek: I can't believe I said that but hey, too late to take it back now.
I understand about letting the younger ones do it too. Yesterday, I sharpened my lawnmower blade, which I still do by drawing a long file because I like a nice edge that isn't brittle, and the tricep on my right arm is really mad about it this morning!:mad:
Good thing all I gotta do with the right hand is work the lever on the pot today. :)
Well it don't slow me down a whole lot cause if its gonna get done I gotta do it. Did manage to move around a hundred or so pounds of sheet lead, climb in the attic and flush the ac out. Then spend several hours working on that boat.

Prolly been better off just pouring bullets.

Oh no need for that Geritol even if I might feel like I'm there, hopefully not for plenty more years.
I cast a lot of these today. The NOE 360-175TL GC. This rascal takes a lot of heat to get those grooves to start filling out well. I finally ended up at 750° and it never did get to frost temp.


And I made some of the 358430 for a bud who wants to test out a heavy in his .38 special. I think 200gr should give his .38s a good test. ;)
This is a really easy casting mold. Very few culls when using this one.

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