Microlon Gun Juice vs Rem Oil


New member
I found the sticky post of comparison tests of various products very helpful, but it didn't include one of the products that I recently discovered: Microlon Gun Juice. It is advertised as a superior dry lube, but also as a rust inhibitor. See http://www.microlon.com/

I didn't have a good way to test lubrication, but testing rust prevention is easy. I had some old, blued sling swivels laying around and saturated one with Gun Juice, and another with Rem Oil. Then, I hung them outside until I had a chance to get back to them--about 2 weeks.

The Rem Oil treated piece had very little rust, the Gun Juice treated piece was very rusted. See pic below.

In short, don't trust expensive Microlon Gun Juice to protect your expensive firearms. And Rem Oil ain't all that great, either. Plain ol' WD-40 worked better.


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Seronac- I do not think Microlon is for rust. I started with it about 4 years ago. It is a barrel treatment not a rust inhibitor. When I first heard of it ,I thought same thing most are thinking- Another magical product. I decided to try it for the heck of it. First test was my Ruger 10/22. I treated the barrel as stated ( Royal PITA ).
All said and done, My bullet rose 1/2 inch and I gained about 30FPS, Groups also got better. I then risked doing my pride and joy, my 223. Again it's about a 2 hr process at least to get done. All said and done here- I gained 2 inches plus in POI and over 100 FPS. Again groups got better. Ok I am sold on this stuff now. I then went on to treat my 308,45 ACP and last, My 6MMBR. The 6BR is my 1200 yard match gun. With a barrel life of about 2500 rounds of peak accuracy, I know get right at the 5000 mark of peak accuracy. I now push this product at the range and at my matches. Those that have tried it also agree with what I am telling you now. Now don''t ever look for a barrel Manufacturer to endorse it, because they never will. It extennds the life of your barrel greatly, which is bad news for them.

Also-If you google it, you will see that this product was tested by the National Guard on a 50 cal machine gun. In a un bias test- The National Guard-said- and I quote-- It does exactly what they say it does. While it is-Snake Oil, it is also a Product that works wonders. For those that read this, I challange you to do the test yourself. If you have a shot out rifle or a cheap 22, give it a shot. Follow the instructions to a tee.( PITA) but you will be in awe for sure with the results.
Barrel needs to be baby butt clean, run swab down barrel with Microlon, fire round with in 5 seconds, Clean barrel Baby butt clean again and repeat. It takes about 20 to 25 rounds to treat barrel. Plan a day at the range per gun. The deal is- Each time you shoot-you will see your bullet POI rise and you MV increase, when you have 3 shots in a row with no more rise in POI-You are done.
Check the web site, and the label:

It increases muzzle velocity, improves accuracy and consistency, reduces wear from friction and prevents rust and corrosion.

The fact that one of their claims has proven false does not give me a lot of confidence in their other claims. I wish it had a money-back guarantee.
I will still use it, since I bought it, but I will also add a protective layer of high-quality gun oil just in case.
Seronac- I am possative you will be impressed with it. As I said-Plan one whole day at the range and bring LOTS of Cleaning patches with you:D. It will take you at least 2 or more hrs to do. I first had got the small bottle, but after my first couple rifles I did- I ended up buying the large bottle too. Now when I get a new rifle or a new barrel,I shoot about 200 rounds down it and then treat the barrel.

As for the rust-Being I use this just as a barrel treatement only I can not comment on the rust. It is heat activated, that is why you need to shoot with-in x amount of seconds of running swab down barrel. Once barrel is treated it takes like ?? 700 or so degrees to get out of barrel i think. If you have not done it yet ( to your barrel)-How can you say it does not prevent rust?. I assume you are just wiping it on outside of gun as a preventative to rust?. If so- That I also can not comment on as I do not use it that way.

I would ( If you don't mind) like your input on it when your done. I have a new AR to treat, but being it''s still winter here I will have to wait for summer to do it.
What did the sling swivel with no treatment look like after 2 weeks outdoors? My guess is it does prevent rust, just not as well as some other products.