Michigan introduces house bill to allow CCW in schools

erik the bold

New member
Searched around and didn't see this posted yet......

Bill could permit teachers to carry concealed weapons

Teachers, other school administrators could carry concealed weapon on school grounds

LANSING (WJRT) - (09/10/07)--Guns in the classroom could soon be a reality if one Michigan lawmaker has his way.

Republican State Rep. David Agema from the Grand Rapids area has introduced legislation that would allow teachers and other school administrators to carry a concealed weapon on school grounds.

Agema says he understands this is a controversial piece of legislation. But he says kids need to be kept safe on school grounds.

All schools in Michigan are weapon-free zones. There are no guns allowed for students, teachers or anyone on school grounds.

In recent years there have been a number of deadly school shootings at schools across the country.

At least one Michigan lawmaker says if teachers and administrators were armed or had access to a concealed weapon at school the incidents of school shootings will decline.

The bill allows for a teacher, administrator or other employee of a school to carry a concealed weapon.

It's not a mandate, but it provides an option for school districts who choose to have someone armed on the premises.

The state's largest teachers union offered the following statement on the legislation: "We are firmly against this House bill that will allow concealed weapons in the schools.

"We need weapon-free schools to keep to keep our schools safe."

Full information on the bill is available here

Michigan folks, time to write, call, and e-mail
"We need weapon-free schools to keep to keep our schools safe."

With all due respect[1], this attitude assumes that we can achieve a weapon-free environment.

Schools are not yet weapon-free. Nor can they be -- so we need policies/laws that support a safer environment given the presence of illicit weapons. I do think that letting responsible educational professionals carry weapons would be a good step in limiting the danger of illicit weapons in schools.

Fear that these laws will disturb our paradisaical weapon-free schools is just shutting our eyes and hoping it all goes away.


[1] - the amount that's due is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
Yep.....Weapons free zones helped Columbine, VT, and the like...... Hmmm. Lets see (If I attended public school)... If i wanted to take a gun to school I am sure that I would hesitate because they say guns aren't allowed.....Oh wait... I don't care because I have a Messed up mind and am intent on killing (Which is worse than just having a gun on school grounds).

In a way I sortof get a kick out of their logic.... If people could see that from a objective view all the TV comedy shows would get 0 Viewers. They would all be watching the News.