Michigan hog hunt


Just returned from "Hog Wild" in Upper Michigan. Two day trip with three friends. Haven't laughed that much in years. Everyone wants to go back next year. The hogs appeared primarily Russian with huge heads & shoulders, thick hair everywhere, 5" long on their backs. Not a pink pig on the place. Hunted cedar swamp mostly with 15+" snow and some trails to follow. Lots of boars. I used a .454 SRH. We brought home 4 boars. Excellent accommodations - new cabin & 3 home cooked meals a day. Friendly staff. Had great time.
"hunt" or HUNT??

JCN60--Sounds like you had a good time with friends--GRReat! I take it then that you were really hunting the boars, as opposed to being shown right where they were. I was on one canned "hunt" and will never be associated with another.

Is this the place that advertises "Hunt the Raging Russians"? Where in the UP is it located?

About what were the prices?

You seem to feel that you got yr moneys' worth.
Hog Hunt

Look up Davidshogwild2000.com for details. I'm pretty sure our boars were not "raging" and I don't think our boars came in a can. One seemed like kind of a "ham", though. They were pretty much regular Russian boars and they behaved accordingly. There were about 30 on the place and they moved almost constantly in groups of 4-6 as we wandered around. No one "drove" the animals to us. When we identified an animal we wished to shoot, it was our job to get into revolver range. The guides did not issue directives to us regarding our weapons or hunting prowess. They were there to help us, not be the "boss". They were personable with a good sense of humor.

This hunt had the excitement and fast action of the first two days of the Wisconsin 9 day deer hunt. It was not to be confused with a sheep hunt in Wyoming (?) where you apply for years before you get drawn for a tag, then you and your guide prowl the mountains for weeks looking for just the right specimen to "harvest" and donate to the natural history museum. It wasn't like that at all. If it was, we would not have been able to go.

We went to Hog Wild to shoot a Russian boar. Our goal was to each shoot one in the allotted time if possible, and that's why we booked this hunt in Michigan. We knew we had two days, and we knew that by law there was a fence somewhere. It was lots better than spending March sitting around the house sharpening your knife like lots of other people were doing. We had a darn fine time and we intend to do it again. I highly recommend it.
Prolification ?

Sorry about that. Don't have a clue how it happened but I'm sure it's my fault. Any way to erase all the extras?