Michigan Eliminates Handgun "Inspection" After Purchase


New member
The handgun "inspection" after purchase will be eliminated starting Jan 7 2009.

All that will be required is to mail or hand deliver the paperwork to your local police station within 10 days of the purchase.

Public Acts No. 194, 195, 196.
The handgun "inspection" after purchase will be eliminated starting Jan 7 2009.

Just curious, but what was the original procedure? What were they inspecting for? Was this just a way to register guns? Was it common for guns to fail inspection?
It was transparently a way to register guns. I guess they figured that a bald-faced gun registration requirement would not have passed constitutional (1964 Art. I, Sec. 6, 1908 Art. II Sec. 5: "Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state") or legislative muster back in the day, so they slapped some "safety inspection" nonsense on it and pushed it through.

I'm offended that you're still required to file paperwork with the state in order to exercise your right to "keep" a gun. Strikes me as similar to a poll tax when exercising the right to vote.
"Strikes me as similar to a poll tax when exercising the right to vote."

I suspect that now that Heller is a done deal we are going to see more Michigan and DC-style backdoor efforts to restrict the right to keep and bear arms. Living in California I hate even to imagine what that means. (Actually, I already do know--ammo registration, lists of "safe" handguns, lead ammo bans, restrictions on mail order ammo, and on, and on, and on...)

Michigan's pistol permit purchase laws passed in 1927 during Prohibition as a response to gangster problems. This law was passed WAY before the modern day anti-gun movement.

The procedure was to (1) get a pistol purchase permit from the local police or sheriff then (2) after buying the gun, take it back to the police station with the filled out purchase permit, and submit it to the police for an inspection and registration.

Now, all you have to do is hand in, or mail in the filled out pistol purchase permit to the police station and they register it with the State Police. It's no longer required to take the pistol to the police for a physical inspection.

Old law, with one of the two stupid procedures eliminated.

Why we just don't go with the new NICS system is beyond me.

(If you have a concealed carry permit you don't need the initial pistol purchase permit but you have to fill out a special purchase form listing the serial number, calilber, make, etc., and mail that to the State Police for its registration.)
Under the old system we had to go down to the local Sheriff Department and get a permit to purchase at 35$. Then we had two weeks to purchase a hand gun . Then another trip to the Sheriff Department to have a safety check at 30$. Out of the dozen hand guns I own I only remember one Officer even picking the gun up to look at it the rest jest opened the box and verified it was in deed a hand gun. Registration I don’t think so all the information is on the permit to purchase. It was jest a tax.

Michigan's pistol permit purchase laws passed in 1927 during Prohibition as a response to gangster problems. This law was passed WAY before the modern day anti-gun movement.

The procedure was to (1) get a pistol purchase permit from the local police or sheriff then (2) after buying the gun, take it back to the police station with the filled out purchase permit, and submit it to the police for an inspection and registration.
It wasn't a response to gangster violence - it was a Ku Klux Klan-driven response to the shocking spectacle of a Black man successfully defending himself, his home, and his family with a gun.

On September 8, 1925, a prominent and successful black physician named Dr. Ossian Sweet moved his family into their new two-story brick home on Detroit's east side. The neighborhood was generally populated by poor, working class whites of much lower income and education. Another black doctor had been driven out of the Waterworks Park area some weeks before.

A mob of hundreds calling themselves the Waterworks Park Improvement Association gathered in the schoolyard across the street while a dozen police cordoned off the area and walked between the mob and the Sweet residence.

When the mob started howling and threw stones at the house, Dr. Sweet grabbed a gun and ran to an upstairs window to get a better view of what was going on. His dentist brother, Henry and a friend arrived just then and ran into the house as a rock smashed a window. That's when the first shot rang out.

When it was all finished, six of the eleven people inside the house had fired their weapons and one of the police officers had emptied his revolver. Two members of the mob were struck, one fatally. At this point, the police, who had mostly stood by until gunfire erupted now stormed the house and arrested everyone inside for murder. [:eek: :mad:]

After two trials (the first one ending in a mistrial) wherein the defendants were defended by Clarence Darrow, no convictions were obtained and Henry (who, in essence, admitted firing the fatal shot) was acquitted as acting in self-defense.
Anyone who defends or enforces this purchase permit system should be deeply, deeply ashamed of themselves.
Michigan's pistol permit purchase laws passed in 1927 during Prohibition as a response to gangster problems. This law was passed WAY before the modern day anti-gun movement.

The procedure was to (1) get a pistol purchase permit from the local police or sheriff then (2) after buying the gun, take it back to the police station with the filled out purchase permit, and submit it to the police for an inspection and registration.

Now, all you have to do is hand in, or mail in the filled out pistol purchase permit to the police station and they register it with the State Police. It's no longer required to take the pistol to the police for a physical inspection.

Interesting from a historical standpoint.... But certainly outdated and a total PITA.
mvpel: I've heard about that story for years now and it is way overblown as far as Michigan enacting the 1927 gun statute IMHO.

Here's a good article, not written by a Detroit News reporter (LOL) like the KKK story. This article explains the feeling in the USA regarding pistols during the prohibition era. That's why Michigan ultimately enacted the 1927 gun control statute relative to pistols. Not because of one stupid, racial incident in Detroit for Godsakes.

Don't fall for all the garbage you read from newpaper reporters.
RDak, I'm sure someone could write a PhD dissertation on the legislative history of that particular law, and it'd be a very interesting paper to read.
Michigan should have been calling it what it is in the first place and stop playing their little raindeer games. It is a registration. Period. Just as well that they did away with it anyway. I am not sure how the file clerk or office secretary was qualified to complete the inspection anyway.

JP Sarte:

It's still registration. We have to give two copies of the completed pistol purchase permit to the local police. They send one copy to the State Police for registration there also.

The local police departments are required to keep their copy for six years IIRC.
I seem to recall some mention of the NFA at first attempting to apply to pistols.

Yes, many wanted the 1934 NFA to require registration of pistols. FDR was on board with that one (i.e., he was the Governor of New York).

The registration of pistols provision was deleted from the final Act.

(The Democrats, and especially New York Democrats, have a LONG history of wanting firearms prohibited for civilians.)
Yes, at least that part is gone. Maybe someday we'll go with the NICS. I'm surprised we haven't yet because Michigan is pretty gun friendly IMHO.